Directions and components of ecological oriented development of counry’s economy

Number, year
3(79), Vol. 1, 2014
UNC 681.5.0171

Directions and components of ecological oriented development of counry’s economy

Vyshnevskaya O., Ph.D, professor
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

 The article describes the components of the direction and development of the economy in order to create conditions for sustainable development. The necessity of implementing the strategy of environmental economic development in a systematic manner is grounded. The priority factors influencing the catalyzing action to preserve the environment were identified. Our research is directed at the grounding of components and potential opportunities to limit the negative impact on the environment, based on the consistency and comprehensiveness of the actions and their sequence. The study aims to learn the nature and components of the ecological security formation, identifying cause-and-effect relationships in the use of certain types of natural resources in order to minimize the negative impact of environmental risks through the activation of investment and innovation processes, improving the technological readiness and the implementation of innovative technological solutions in the economic spheres of Ukraine.

The purpose of the research is to ground the components and to reveal the ways of formation of ecologically oriented sectors of economy; to identify cause-and-effect relationships in using certain types of natural resources of researched areas to minimize the negative impact of environmental risks, ecosystems’ conservation, the strategic objectives and priorities’ grounding.

Methodology of research. There were used such scientific methods as theoretical generalization to explore the theoretical foundations and development components, taking into account the environmental priorities at the national and territorial levels; systematic approach to justify the ways of innovative development and increase the level of technological readiness of industries and relationships with guaranteeing of the state’s ecological security.

Findings. The paper considers the environmental priorities in economic development on the basis of stability. The necessity of introducing the system of national and regional programs for the conservation of ecosystems was proved. The priority factors influencing the formation of greening production, reducing environmental risks are identified. The need to implement systematic measures with a focus on investment and innovative development in order to increase the level of technological readiness of the economy and enhancing the implementation of innovative technological solutions is discussed. It was proved that the world globalization flows and economic, financial, social, environmental and other processes are the benchmarks of any national economy for the future. It was found that ignoring globalization changes and trends will limit the possibilities of obtaining benefits at the national level.

Originality. The close relationship with the innovative development of the country and its environmental priorities based on a systematic approach to the implementation of programs at the state and territorial levels is proved.

Practical value. The acquisition of new innovative solutions requires increased technological readiness and enhancing the intrusion in the economic sectors of the economy, taking into account the relevant guarantee the rights of investors. The integration of environmental priorities with the directions of economic sectors’ development is a prerequisite for the further formation of innovation oriented country, taking into account the needs of modern society in natural resources and their biological features’ preservation for future generations.

ecological oriented development, sustainable development, environmental consciousness.

Vyshnevskaya O., Ph.D. Directions and components of ecological oriented development of counry’s economy


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