Duda Yu., Prus M. Proteinogram and indicators of immunity during рassalurosis of rabbits with different level of invasion intensity

UDC 619:616.993.192.1:636.92


Yu. Duda

M. Prus


The purpose of our work was to determine the influence Passlurus ambiguus on proteinogramand indicators of cellular and humor alimmunity of rabbits.
Materials and methods. Analog groups of male rabbits of 3-5 months of age were selected for the experiments. Intensity of invasion was determined by the method of the MacMaster. By spectrophotometric method the blood of animals was determined: the content of total protein, albumin, globulin fractions, the level of IgA, IgG, IgM – discretede position method according to M. Kostina. The count of T- and B-lymphocytes was determined by the method of spontaneous rosette-formation with sheepery throcytes.
Results of the work. Rabbits with pasalurosis have different levels of invasion intensity (II): low (II = 276.47 ± 43.33 eggs in 1 g offeces), high (II = 2446.67 ± 422.11 eggs in 1 g offeces) – II and medium (II = 1293.75 ± 275.80 eggs in 1 g offeces) – III research groups. We did not find eggs in the control group. The total protein content was significantly (p<0.001) high from 1.38 times to 1.66 times compared with healthy ones, due to an increase in the content of globulins from 2.08 times (p<0.001) to 2.26 times (p<0.001 ), which led to a decrease in the protein ratio from 2.16 times (p<0.001) to 3.29 times (p<0.001) in sick animals with different II. Were corded a high content of γ-globulins almost 1.4 times in these animals compared to healthy ones. We observed a high content of β-globulins and α2-globulins by 6.70% and 7.05% (p<0.01) and 5.15% and 3.99% (p<0.05) in animals II and III experimental groups in comparison with control group. A decreased level of uricacid from 4.77 times (p <0.001) to 6.19 times (p<0.001) in rabbits with passalurosis is probably due to a violation of the process of its formation in the liver against the background of an increase in acid out put through the intestines and kidneys. The creatinine level in experimental rabbits was significantly higher in groups I,II,III by 42.64% (p<0.001), 46.49% (p<0.001) and 44.42% (p<0.001), respectively, compared with the control.
IgA and IgG levels were high (p<0.001) in comparison to healhty rabbits: 2.22 and 2.16 times (in animals with low II), 1.51 and 1.85 times (in animals with high II). We observed a significant (p<0.001) high level of IgM and В-lymphocytes againstthecontrol 1.58 times, 1.82 times, 1.70 timesandby11.19%, 15.20%, 13.07%,respectively, ingroups I, II, III of infected rabbits.
Conclusions. The content of total protein, globulins, γ-globulins, creatinine, IgA, IgG, IgM and В-lymphocytes were significantly higher (p<0.001) in the blood of sick rabbits than healthy ones. We observed significant changes in the proteinogram of rabbits with high levels of II. These changes indicate an increase in the body’s immune defense under the influence of Passalurus ambiguus. We found a decreased level of uricacid and a protein coefficient due to the low percentage of albuminin sick rabbits. This is possibly due to a violation of the process of their formation in the liver against the background of increased output.

Keywords: рassalurosis, protein metabolism, Passalurus ambiguus, albumin, globulin, globulin fractions, IgA, IgG, IgM,T, B-, O-lymphocytes.


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Kulyk M., Syplyva N., Rozhko I., Bozhok Y. Agrobiological specifics of switchgrass seed productivity formation

UDC 631.55:631.559


M. Kulyk

N. Syplyva

I. Rozhko

Y. Bozhok


The study has shown the impact of biometric (quantitative) indicators of a generative part of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) (length and number of panicles) and weight of 1000 seeds on seed productivity, which determine the total crop yield. It has been established that the percentage of certified seed material yield is related to the vegetation conditions, especially to seed formation and maturation. Swichgrass seed productivity is in close correlation with certified seed yield (r 0.74 …0.80). It has been found out that if switchgrass is planted on fertile lands, 26% of its seed productivity depends on the height of the plants (correlation coefficient is r 0.51) and 23% of its seed productivity depends on the number of stems (correlation coefficient is r 0.48. The use of pre-stratified and calibrated seeds with subsequent treatment of the seed material with humic substances increases the laboratory germination of switchgrass seeds by 36.7% and the field germination of such seeds by the 29.6% if planted on fertile soils and by 19.5% and 32.6% respectively if planted on marginal lands.

Keywords: soils, seeds, precipitations, switchgrass, air temperature, growth environment, productivity.


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Ivanova I., Serdiuk M., Malkina V., Shkinder-Barmina A., Kryvonos I. Cherry yield depending on the climatic conditions of the cultivation years

UDC [634.23:551.58](477.7)


I. Ivanova

M. Serdiuk

V. Malkina

A. Shkinder-Barmina

I. Kryvonos


Cherry refers to traditional fruit crops grown in Ukraine. Its value lies in its precocity, winter hardiness, stable yield, early fruits ripening and unpretentiousness to soil conditions. One of the main requirements for modern varieties of cherries is the high yield. A prerequisite for successful cultivation of cherries is to select varieties that meet local climate.
Therefore, determining the characteristics of cherry reactions to the current agro-climatic conditions of the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine and identifying the main weather factors that affect the crop yield is an actual question.
The purpose of the research was to establish objective agro-climatic indicators that have an impact on cherry yield in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine and to create a mathematical model of crop yield based on the identified stress factors.
To achieve this goal, we performed correlation and regression analyzes: the strength of correlation relationships between agro-climatic indicators and crop yield was calculated; determined a set of weather factors that significantly affect cherry yield; the obtained equations for the dependence of the average yield of cherries on the stress factors that will help to predict the parameter under the action of objective environmental stress factors.
During the research 20 paired correlation dependencies were investigated in the stages: vegetation period, flowering, fruit ripening and harvesting. For ten weather factors their influence on the cherry yield indicators for the period 2007-2019 was determined. A strong correlation (r = 0.68… -0.86) with cherry yield is set for the following factors: the sum of active temperatures during the growing season (until the fruit ripening stage), average monthly rainfall for August, absolute minimum relative humidity in  May;  during flowering – the difference between the average maximum and minimum air temperatures, the sum of active temperatures, the sum of effective temperatures, the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC), the sum and the total number of days with precipitation.
When constructing a regression model of the dependence of the Y cherry yield on the factors of weather conditions (Xi, where i=1..10)a large number of factors were insignificant at the same time a large value of the coefficient of determination R2=0,99580.
The regression model of the dependence of the Y cherry yield on the factors of weather conditions looks like:
Unambiguously the best model by all criteria was not found. Therefore, it is decided to determine the most effective model based on practical feasibility. It was chosen the model with, firstly, the smallest value of insignificant factors and, secondly, the highest value of the indicator AIC.
This model is:
The generalized coefficient of determination is equal R2adjusted=0,996, which indicates a significant correlation of the selected factors with the indicator Y (cherry yield). The value of statistics when checking the adequacy of the model by Fisher’s criterion F=84,44 at a value p-value=6,898∙105, which indicates the adequacy of the model at the level of significance α=0,05.
The above equation is generally statistically significant. The described dependence of cherry yield on stressful weather factors may serve as a basis for some management decisions and the resulting regression equation can be used to build statistical forecasts.

Keywords: yield, cherry, weather factors, multifactorial model, temperature, precipitation, humidity.


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Korkhova M. Productivity of winter wheat spelt in the South Steps of Ukraine

UDC 633.11 “324”(477.7)


M. Korkhova


The article highlights the results of three-year studies (2016-2018) of the performance potential of wheat spelt in comparison to soft wheat depending on the variety characteristics. Field research was conducted on the research field of the Educational and Scientific Center of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. Predecessor – pea sown. Sowing time is 1 th October. Soft winter wheat sowing rate is 5 million similar seeds / ha; spelled wheat – 200 spikelets / m². The scheme of the experiment included: factor A – winter wheat (soft and spelt); factor B – domestic varieties of mild winter wheat (Shestopolivka, Vidrada, Zysk) and winter spelt (Zory Ukrainy and Europa). The area of ​​the accounting site is 25 m². Soil of experimental sites – southern black chernozem humus. The most favorable for the growth and development of winter wheat was the growing season of 2015-2016. The autumn-winter period of 2017-2018 was abnormal.
It has been determined that wheat spelt produces higher productive bushiness (5.7) than mild winter wheat (1.8), which is 3.9 more than soft wheat varieties. The height of plants of wheat  spelt varieties exceeds the height of plants of the studied soft winter wheat varieties by 35.9 cm. The number of spikelets in the ear and the graininess of the ear dominated by soft winter wheat varieties, and by the weight of 1 spike grain and 1000 seeds weight – varieties spell. Greater mass of grain with 1 ear (1.19 g / ear) was formed by the Europa variety, and a larger mass of 1000 seeds (46.3 g) – the Zory Ukrainy variety. On average, over the years of research, the yield of the soft wheat varieties studied was 5.72-6.27 t / ha, which is 0.19-2.39 t / ha more than the average of the wheat spelt varieties. The highest grain yield (5.80-7.13 t / ha) was obtained from the Vidrada variety. It is determined that high quality grain is formed in wheat of the variety of the Zory Ukrainy variety, whose mass fraction of protein was 21.9%, mass fraction of crude gluten – 44.9%, gluten deformation index – 100, number of falls – 451. This is 5.2 %, 3.9%, and 12.9 higher than the average for soft wheat varieties. However, such an indicator of grain quality as the number of fall was higher in wheat varieties of soft and was 430-452. So, in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, in order to obtain high-quality dietary grain of the southern steppes, you should sow wheat varieties of Zory Ukrainy and Europa, which form grain yields at 3.88-5.53 t / ha with a mass fraction of protein – 14 , 2-21.9% of crude gluten – 28.9-39.9%.

Keywords: spelt wheat, soft wheat, varieties, plant height, 1000 seeds weight, yield, grain quality.


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Babachenko L., Moskalenko V., Marchenko A. Recent trends for using digital-marketing tools in business

UDC 658.8:004


L. Babachenko

V. Moskalenko

A. Marchenko


It is stated in the article that in a highly competitive and unsteady economic environment within the country and around the world a business is able to achieve the targets due to applying a wide range of associated marketing tools. It is pointed out that the issue of applying new digital marketing tools, such as a landing page, crowd-marketing and a blog, in order to attract more consumers by the enterprise, remains unexplored. The principle goals are to study the recent trends in the use of digital-marketing tools in the marketing activities within the enterprise in order to communicate more effectively with consumers.
Nowadays, digital space has great potential for engaging people in communication in a new way. In the context of the ever-increasing number of Internet users, there is a growing need for modern marketing tools that allow the application of Internet resources to communicate with consumers and to raise their awareness to promote products and services. Digital marketing has enriched Internet marketing, primarily, with the opportunity to use mobile communication, social networks, web-sites, contextual advertising (pay-per-click), as well as Search Engine Optimization, emailing and media.  At the same time of ensuring the targeting and personification of such influence, owing to the advent of the information society, the effectiveness of marketing activities increases. Digital strategists are becoming the most popular specialism in digital marketing at the moment. Such an expert creates digital strategy of the organisation. They generate teams of experts, allocate budget for campaigns, and conduct necessary tenders. Modern digital-marketers should master a sufficient number of skills. Among them Understanding various mediachannels, anability toidentifyallavailablepossibilitiesandbeing profoundly educated are among them. Apart from, in order to ensure the success of the enterprise, they have to master an ideal balance between critical and creative thinking.
As a result of the conducted research it is stated that nowadays digital technologies are a crucial factor to succeed and promote in each sphere of business. It is suggested in the article that businesses should pay attention to the use of digital marketing channels in marketing activities to promote a product that will give them significant competitive benefits. Such new digital-marketing tools as a blog, crowd-marketing and a landing page that allow the enterprise to get better revenues and open up an international market are emphasised. It is stated about the efficiency of applying the mentioned above digital tools in business, which is confirmed by financial results and indicators.

Keywords: internet-marketing, digital-marketing, digital tools, marketing communication, digital-marketing channels


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Mardar M., Lozovska G., Pambuk S., Hozhelova K. The main trends in the development of dairy market and marketing methods of its promotion

UDC 338.64


M. Mardar

G. Lozovska

S. Pambuk

K. Hozhelova


This is an investigation of the principal trends of the dairy products market development. It has been discovered that the Ukrainian dairy products market is various and highly competitive. It is important to note that domestic production is a base of the market. It is possible to see the noticeable and permanent recession. The import ratio is small, that’s why in 2018 it was 1,96% in physical terms. The downward trend in dairy production in the first half of 2019 is explained by the shortage of raw materials. Here are the principal world trends in the development of the dairy products assortment:
1) Healthy nutrition. The structure of internal consumption shows us the tendency for healthy and high-quality food that increases the popularity of products with no preservatives and other supplements.
2) Growth of demand for lactose-free products. The growing demand has been caused by the number of people who have lactose intolerance. Particularly, there is more than 5 % of such kind of people in the USA and 10 % in Europe. More than 90 % of the population in China is lactose intolerant. The lactose-free dairy products are promoting sales on these markets and the offer of these products becomes more and more diversified.
3) The increasing of the plant milk sector. The segment of production of the plant milk analogues and so-called milk not taken from a cow or bio milk will grow and make pressure on this sector.
The income level, age, sex, place of residence and lifestyle are the most important factors that characterize the dairy products consumers.
To make the behavior analysis of the dairy products consumers, 68 respondents of different age, sex, marital status, social standing and incomes level have been interviewed. The investigation was undertaken in Odessa in March-April 2019.
Discovering the factors, which make the most influence on the choice of the dairy products consumer, there must be considered such as quality (25%), taste (20%), dairy product brand (23%) and price (16 %). The assortment was the least important thing for dairy products buyers (2%).
According to the market data and analysis, the transport and television publicity is the most suitable way for necessary reaching to a target audience and its frequency.
For estimation of the publicity campaign effectiveness, the principal financial indicators have been compared within three periods: before, during and after this campaign.
As a result of the undertaken investigation, the logical framework for the promotion of the dairy products has been developed. It allows the manufactures to determine the primary needs of the potential customers more exactly and push up the sale of their products on the market.

Keywords: dairy products, market, consumers, target segment, advertising events.


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Shebanina E., Shapovalova I., Tverdovska A. The role of crop production regulation in improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy

UDC 631.11:633/635:334


O. Shebanina

I. Shapovalova

A. Tverdovska


It is revealed that the crop production is the basis for the formation of a competitive agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy.The plant products are the source of financial resources for domestic economic entities in the countryside, ensure a constant increase in export revenues, which, as a result, helps to fill the state budget of Ukraine.It has been established that the market, the state and non-governmental and public organizations have a regulatory influence on the development of crop production.It is concluded, that the state regulates the development of crop production, the use of instruments of such types of economic policy: foreign economic, investment, scientific, technical and innovative, price, fiscal. It is stated that the non-state regulation of the crop industries indirectly influences its development and is carried out by non-state, including public organizations. The discussion points  in assessing the competitiveness of the domestic agricultural sector at national and international level are given. It is made the assumption that the agrarian sector of Ukraine has problematic aspects in its development, therefore, it is necessary to improve the current system of regulation of the branches of crop production, as the basis of domestic agriculture. It is emphasized that the parity interaction between public authorities, non-governmental structures in the agrarian sector and the agrarian business itself will improve the system of regulation of crop production in Ukraine, will help to increase the efficiency of production and marketing of crop production, will help to development the infrastructure of the agricultural market, and will help to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic agrarian sector. In this context, it is presented the division of responsibilities between state authorities, agrarian business and non-governmental organizations in the agrarian sector in the process of realization of the economic policy of the state. The main tendencies of development of the domestic agricultural insurance market as one of the most unregulated directions of ensuring the competitiveness of the domestic agrarian sector are presented. In order to eliminate discussions that prevent crop producers from insuring their crops and their products, it is proposed to use the world experience of managing agricultural insurance risk insurance and providing state support in the process of securing agricultural businesses.

Keywords: combined machine, technological scheme of the machine, structure of the machine, technological process, tillage, grinding and incorporation of plant residues.


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