T. Panasova, S. Kulynych, R. Lysanets. The efficiency of electrometric method of estrus detection in cows.

UDC 636.2.09-072:612.6

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-7

T. Panasova
S. Kulynych
R. Lysanets

The research of efficiency of electrometric method of estrus detection in cow compared to visual-clinical method has been conducted. For this purpose, two groups of animals were taken: both groups with 18 heads of cows. The estrus of the animals of the experimental group was registered by detecting the change in electrical resistance of the estrous mucus with the help of the «Draminski» detector of estrous cycles and early pregnancy. The indicator of electrical resistance 220-230 s.u. serves as a criterion of estrus. In the control group, estrus was detected by registering a “reflex of motionless state”, when the animal in heat period was calm, allowing to be covered. Insemination of cows of both groups was carried out using a recto-cervical method with defrosted semen: of the experimental group – once, of control group – twice. After the first and second insemination, 72.2% of cows in the experimental group and 61% in the control group were fertilized, and the other animals were unfertilized.
Money expenditure on fertilization of one cow consisted of the cost of a sperm dosage, the cost of labour of an artificial breeding technician and his/her assistant and amounted to 197 UAH in the experimental group, 365 UAH – in the control one. The total cost of fertilization of cows of the experimental group amounted to 5516 UAH, of the control group – 9715 UAH.
The economic damage from the infertility of the cows of both groups include losses from the lack of calves and milk. Calculating the economic damage from the loss of the offspring included the cost of a calf was 900 UAH. Thus, in the experimental group, the losses amounted to 4500 UAH, in the control group – 6300 UAH. In the calculation of the economic losses from lack of milk, it was believed that during each day of infertility 3 litres of milk were lost, and the market value of a litre of milk was 10 UAH. In the experimental group, the losses amounted to 20580 UAH, in the control group – 29460 UAH.
The economic effect of one hryvnia on the cost of production of one calf was calculated by dividing the cost of a calf into money expenditure on fertilization. So, in the experimental group it was 4.57 UAH, in the control group – 2.68 UAH.

Key words: cows, estrus detection in cows, electrometric method.


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T. Pidpala, Ye. Zaitsev. Productive longevity of dairy cattle of Holstein breed of different selection

UDC 623.2.082

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-6

T. Pidpala
Ye. Zaitsev

Extension of the life expectancy of the economic use of cows and their lifelong productivity is an important component of the genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Our research determines the life expectancy and productive longevity and the lifelong productivity in Holstein breed cows of German and Ukrainian breeding. For the duration of life and economic use the imported cows were slightly inferior to the animals of Ukrainian selection. The difference was 43.8 and 30.6 days, respectively. At the same time, they had a small unproductive period and the age of the first calving was 806.7 days, which is 13.1 days less than at the same age in the Holstein breed of Ukrainian breeding.

However, according to indicators of lifetime productivity, the imported cows dominated Ukrainian breeding animals. By life long milk yield, the advantage number was 574 kg of milk, but the difference was unlikely. According to the lifetime of milk fat and milk protein indicators the best cows were imported Нolstein cows.

For such signs as milk yield for one day, milk yield of economic use for one day, the number of used lactation and the coefficient of economic use all these best developed indicators were established in the Holstein cows of German selection. Their advantage, respectively, was 0.9 kg (P> 0.95); 1.5 kg (P> 0.99); 0.1 pc and 0,7% in comparison with cows of the Holstein breed of Ukrainian breeding.

A comparative correlation analysis has established a different level and direction of connections in cows of the Holstein breed of German and Ukrainian breeding. It is logical to have a highly reliable positive high level of life expectancy connection between the life expectancy, the length of economic use and the signs of lifelong productivity. So, this is typically for both imported animals and for Ukrainian breeding cows. This indicates at the possibility in breeding the extension of life expectancy and economic use of dairy cattle of Holstein breed and improving lifelong productivity.

Keywords: Holstein breed , selection, cows, sign, longevity, lifetime productivity, correlation.


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О. Kupchyshina. Monitoring of regulatory policy in the agricultural sector of economic of Ukraine

UDC 657.22

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-5

О. Kupchyshina

The purpose of our research is to monitor regulatory policy in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. State-run programs are a comprehensive instrument of direct influence of the state on the development of the agrarian sector, for which the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of efficiency.

In order to assess the level of regulatory policy in Ukraine, we used elemental analysis of one of the most sought after and weighty global ratings – the Global Competitiveness Index.

Data analysis showed that during 2006-2017 respondents rated the agrarian policy in Ukraine not highly in the ranking of global competitiveness – by 2015 the average score did not exceed the half-value of 3.5 points. At the same time, there is a tendency to increase the evaluation of agrarian policy, as evidenced by the linear trend of the data presented.

Tax policy is one of the key factors in effective regulatory policy in the agrarian sector, as the relationship between tax burden, taxation and economic system performance is evident.

The data of the Doing Business rating (sub-index “Taxation”) indicate a constant reduction of the tax burden on enterprises in Ukraine for the period of availability of data (since 2006). Both the general tax burden and wage taxation are reduced. The greatest progress in the regulatory sphere is achieved by the indicator of time expenditures on taxation, which confirms the success of the deregulation process in this area in 2006-2018. However, this situation with a decrease in the level of taxation and deregulation of taxation was not always observed. Since the beginning of the 1990s, Ukraine’s agriculture has suffered significant losses as a result of the continuous increase in the government’s fiscal pressure on the economy.

Significant easing of tax pressure was due to the revival of agricultural enterprises. A feature of the tax regulation of agrarian enterprises is also the taxation of wages in farms. According to the current legislation, there are no wage requirements at least equal to the minimum wage and there is no single social contribution.

Key words: regulatory policy, agrarian sector, tax policy, fiscal burden, state regulation.

O. Lazarieva. Strategy of Sustainable Land-Tenure Development at the Regional Level

UDC 332.2.031:005.21

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-3

O. Lazarieva

The article analyses the treatises of scientists who studied the problem of the sustainable development and its various strategies; and the foreign experience of implementation of sustainable development strategy.

Also in the article the stages of the land owner strategy creation in the conditions of the sustainable development of regions are defined.

It was concluded that the overall goal of the strategy as a means of sustainable development of regions should be implemented through the implementation of the main directions of the public land policy, the creation of favorable conditions for sustainable development through regional planning, the development of highly effective, competitive land use in the innovative development context.

 The implementation of such sustainable development strategies of the regions is defined as: the strategy for effective use of the existing regional natural-resources potential; the strategy for the land management development; the strategy for marketing collateral of the land use; the strategy for economic stimulation of sustainable development; the strategy for staffing improving; the strategy for the favorable investment climate creation in the amalgamated communities.

The features of the proposed strategies are described.

It is noted that in order to achieve a sustainable level of land use it is necessary to lay down a regional program for the land use and protection within a certain region, to implement program for the top soil restoring and for the natural-resources potential and keeping it at the proper level.

The personal standpoint of the sustainable development strategy of the regions is presented, which will help to create a favorable investment climate through the achievement of regional attractiveness, to increase the farm production efficiency through the use of resource efficient technologies, to diversify the rural economy through the dispersal of rural activities.

Keywords: strategy, sustainable development, foreign experience, sustainable development strategies, stages of the strategy creation, environmental production, investment climate, region.

N. Potryvaieva, O. Lugova, N. Janovsjka, Ju. Klochan. International standards of financial reporting as the basis of accounting development in the conditions of globalization of the economy

UDC 657.22

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-2

N. Potryvaieva, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9781-6529
O. Luhova, Candidate of Economic Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4432-0295
N. Janovsjka, Higher Education Learners
Ju. Klochan, Higher Education Learners
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

The article reveals the role of international standards of financial reporting in the process of globalization of the world economy. The analysis of the preconditions and stages of the transition to the international standards of financial reporting is presented. The results of application of international accounting standards are described, their advantages are formulated. The problems of introduction of international standards of financial reporting in the national accounting system of Ukraine are determined.

Key words: globalization of the economy, accounting, international financial reporting standards, statements’ users.


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O. V. Shebanina, A. I. Burkovska. Regulation of production capacity of agricultural production on the basis of food security indicators.

UDC 338.121

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-3(99)-1

O. V. Shebanina
A. I. Burkovska

Abstract. The article analyzes the state of food security in Ukraine on the basis of its main indicators. The index of self-sufficiency of the state by the main types of food was researched and the conclusion about decreasing of the level of self-sufficiency of Ukraine by such types of food products as milk and dairy products, as well as fruits, berries and grapes among other commodity groups was made. Significant increase in the level of self-sufficiency of Ukraine by groups of goods, the domestic production of which previously did not meet the full volume of consumer needs, which is typical for the production of meat and meat products, as well as potatoes, was fixed. It was made a conclusion on the high level of food independence from imports in Ukraine on the basis of calculated indicators of the capacity of the domestic market of individual products and their comparison with the volumes of imports of the corresponding product groups. The analysis of indicators of the diet value is conducted, which allows us to make a conclusion about the state of satisfaction of the population needs in a balanced set of food products. A more complete description of the adequacy of the diet was obtained by defining indicators of the availability of basic foodstuffs for citizens. The factor model of the grain in the state reserves dependence on the volume of reserving and volumes of domestic consumption of grain by the population is developed. Determination of the level of energy nutrition sufficiency in the average daily diet of the population by regions of Ukraine has been determined and the tendency of reduction of the investigated indicator during the estimated period in all regions of the state has been recorded. The regression analysis of the factors influence on the yield of grain crops is used to assess the efficiency of land and capital use.

Key words: food safety, consumption, production, imports, energy nutrition, food self-sufficiency, capacity of the domestic market, daily average diet of the population.


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