М’ясні якості кнурців різного рівня стрес-схильністі

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.4.083

The degree of resistance to stress pigs is of great importance for the prediction of their performance and the implementation of appropriate breeding. Therefore, the study of the productive qualities of manufacturers of modern genotypes according to their adaptive properties in the conditions of industrial technology of pork production is an important issue.
Scientific and economic experiments were carried out in a plant breeding Limited Liability Company “Agroprime Holding” Odessa region, where the pig industry is conducted on the basis of modern technology using the latest technology developments and feeding the animals. For all groups used full feed.
The article presents the meat quality of boars of Large White breed and Landrace French selection for different stress inclination (I – stress resistant, II – stress and questionable III – stress-prone).
It was found that the best meat quality among Landrace boar were characterized by stress resistance of animals (I group), and the worst – stress prone (III group). Analyzing the meat quality by class distribution note, in particular, pig breeds Landrace class М+ was significantly (P <0.001) were superior to their peers class М0 and М- on 12.04 and 14.91%, respectively. Large White breed pig class M+ was significantly (P <0.001) superior to their peers class М0 and М- on 11.95 and 14.4%, respectively. In the boar class M+ tends to increase in weight of the posterior third sides and weight reduction of body fat.
Based on the studies found that regardless of genotype stress resistant pig compared to stress and stress-sensitive uncertain are the best indicators of meat productivity. The prospect of further research is to determine the quality of meat products and resistance boars modern genotypes according to their stress stability.
Keywords: pig, meat quality, stress-prone, Large White breed, French Landrace breeding classes distribution. (more…)

Efficiency of Landrace pigs breed

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.4.082

The article presents the efficiency of Landrace pigs breed at farms of Ukraine in comparison with the large white pigs breed. It was established that the majority of effective features tribal Landrace pigs breed animals exceed Large White breed. Landrace breed sows in breeding farms with an average of 10.9 goals for twins and litter weight at weaning nest in 2 months 190,6 kh. Boars live weight of 100 kg during cultivation reached at 185.9 days, and pigs – 190.5 days. Landrace breed young in breeding farms have very low thickness of bacon measured in vivo, respectively boars – 18,6 mm and pig – 21,1 mm.
During experimental studies in industrial sector it was established that there is a possibility of obtaining higher twins Landrace breed from sows at thoroughbred breeding, compared to various versions of the crossing. However, pure breeding did not contribute to the increase of the remaining indicators reproductive capacity and did not ensure high performance fattening and meat traits for lower quality meat. The highest and fattening and meat characteristics of pigs obtained by crossing breeds Landrace sows with terminal boars Maxter 304. purebred Landrace pigs breed of French origin had significantly worsen the quality of muscle tissue, especially the positions of active acidity, tenderness and moisture retaining ability, and therefore to obtain high quality meat of better use than for pure breeding and for two – or three-pedigree crossing.

Keywords: state of breed, thoroughbred and hybrid pig, breeding methods, efficiency, combination genotypes, quality meat. (more…)

Genetic conditionality of qualitative indicators of subcutaneous fat of pigs at different QTLs.

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.4.033:637.053

The polymorphism of genes CAST249, CAST638; positions N30T, S52G, I199V, R200Q in the PRKAG3 gene; MC4R, IGF2, CCKAR the three-breed hybrids of pigs was studied. An analysis of the qualitative indicators of fattening productivity experimental groups was carried out. The linear-regression analysis of qualitative indicators of fattening productivity showed signifi cant additive, dominant and both effects of the CAST638 gene to the slaughter weight, age at weight of 100 kg and the average daily gain. Trends were identifi ed considering the relationship between the slaughter weight and genes PRKAG3 (in position S52G) and CCKAR, age at weight of 100 kg and genes MC4R and CCKAR, the thickness of backfat and gene CAST638, the average daily gain and gene MC4R, the mass ham and gene PRKAG3 (in position N30T), diameter of longissimus dorsi and gene CCKAR.


The use of entropy-information analysis to assess the reproductive qualities of crossbred sows

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.

V. Lykhach
S. Kramarenko
P. Shebanin
Mykolaiv national agrarian univercity


V. Lykhach, S. Kramarenko, P. Shebanin. The use of entropy-information analysis to assess the reproductive qualities of crossbred sows
The possibility of using entropy and information analysis (EIA) in various fields of biological science has been noted by many authors. However, most of these works showed examples of the application of EIA in the study of discrete (qualitative) characteristics. Modification of EIA for quantitative traits using the integrated density estimates of the distribution of standardized values, gave the opportunity to expand the application of this method for the evaluation of various quantitative indicators of efficiency of agricultural animals. For carrying out entropy and information analysis using a modification for quantitative traits were used data on age-related dynamics of the reproductive qualities of two-breed sows: large white (LW) and Ukrainian meat (UM) in combination with boars of Landrace (L). The reproductive traits of sows was measured in terms of total number of born piglets (TNB), number of born alive piglets (NBA) and number of weaned piglets (NW). The animals belonged to the LLC “Tavriysky pigs”, Kherson region. Were used for research data on productivity according to the results of the first seven farrowing eighty sows each of the genotypes. It is proved that the degree of determinacy reproductive characteristics, including age-related dynamics, influenced by the breed sows. It is established that the highest level of order is characterized by the number of piglets at weaning (NW). Therefore, this indicator should be used as a reference when assessing the reproductive characteristics of sows.
Keywords: entropy and information analysis, reproductive traits, crossbred sows, age dynamics.

Spysok vykorystanykh dzherel:
1. Byr S. Kybernetyka y upravlenye. — M. : YL, 1963. — 168 s.
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5. Ynformatsyonno-statystycheskyi analyz mendelyruiushchykh y polyhennыkh pryznakov v populiatsyiakh selskokhoziaistvennыkh ptyts: metodycheskye rekomendatsyy / [Iu. A. Riabokon, N. Y. Sakhatskyi, P. Y. Kutniuk y dr.]. — Kharkov, 1996. — 40 s.
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7. Risk factors for stillbirth and foetal mummification in four Brazilian swine herds / V. F. Borges, M. L. Bernardi, F. P. Bortolozzo [et al.] // Prev. Vet. Med. — 2005. — Vol. 70. — P. 165-176.
8. Direct, maternal and nurse sow genetic effects on farrowing-, preweaning- and total piglet survival / E. F. Knol, B. J. Ducro, M J. A. van Arendonk [et al.] // Livest. Prod. Sci. — 2002. — Vol. 73. — Р. 153-164.

entropy and information analysis, reproductive traits, crossbred sows, age dynamics.


Performance and genetic structure of maternal lines of Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire pigs breed.

4(81), 2014
UNC 636. 4.082

E. Gridiushko, I. Gridiushko.


Belarusian factory type of Yorkshire breed of pigs «Dneprobugsky» is based on the use of the gene pool of animals foreign selection, combining together with high reproductive performance, increased energy growth at a low cost of feed, which provides a highly productive getting young with a thin fat, high in meat carcasses. Pets factory type breed Yorkshire differ strong constitution, good adaptation abilities to the conditions of industrial technology and are widely used in the republican program crossbreeding and hybridization.
Use of genetic testing by genes-markers RYR, ESR and PRLR allows to improve purposely the productive traits of Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed of pigs, predict their performance, plan the direction of further use in the crossbreeding and hybridization system. It was determined that frequency of genotype RYR1NN with animals of Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed of pigs made 100%. The frequency of genotype ESRBB was within the range of 31.6 to 47.4%, the concentration of allele B – from 0.540 to 0.673. The frequency of genotype PRLRAA made 11.1%, the concentration of A allele – 0.500.
Genetic testing for genes markers RYR, ESR, PRLR allows purposefully to improve the productive qualities of the Belarusian factory type breed Yorkshire pigs, plan the direction of their further use in breeding and pig farming industry.
Keywords: Belarusian plant type of Yorkshire breed of pigs, genetic structure, genes-markers RYR, ESR and PRLR, reproductive traits. (more…)

Аналіз генетико-демографічних процесів в популяції худоби півден ної м’ ясної породи

1(82), 2015
UNC 636.4:636.082:575.827

O. Kramarenko.
M. Gill

The studied population of the Southern Meat cattle breed is exposed to genetic and demographic processes. The negative impact of these processes was registered for «Santa-Ger trudis» subpopulations particularly. Signifi cant loss of rare alleles and the manifestation of the bot tleneck effect have been marked for  these animals. High levelof inbreeding is the result of these processes.
