Optimization of parameters of technological process of production of meat semifinished products

UDC 637.521.47

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-10


L. Strika
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9847-6036
T. Pidpala
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4072-7576
A. Kramarenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2635-526X


         In the process of research, it was determined how the rotation speed of the drum machine for pans is poured into the physical and chemical parameters of the products.  In the study of the influence of rotation time of the drum, qualitative parameters were found that the mass fraction of moisture in pancakes was 59,3-64,1% in different methods. The likely advantage of pancakes, compared with the ones produced at cardiac and low velocity, is 4,8% (P>0,95). Normative content of water in pancakes «With meat» should not be higher than 65%, so different groups of products meet the requirements of state standards.
        We have identified the following indicators: the percentage of moisture, fat, salt and fillings, the mass of the product. The moisture content of pancakes at manufacturing was 59,9-60,6% at the highest temperature at average temperature.  Nutrient moisture content was characterized by pancakes produced at an average frying temperature.
        During the experiment it was proved that the freezing temperature affects the quality of the products. In the process of researches it was established that the mass fraction of fat in pancakes at manufacturing was 21,1% at low temperature.  Lower fat content was characterized by products frozen at elevated temperatures.
        The advantage is, by the indicator of the fat content of pancakes at freezing at low temperature compared with products frozen at a raised temperature of 0,9%.
        According to the results of the research, it was established that such indicators as: the mass fraction of the filling, the mass fraction of fat, the mass of one meat product, the temperature in the thickness of the half-finished product meets the requirements of state standards.

      Keywords: pancakes, duration, freezing, frying temperature, physical and chemical indices.


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