Issue 2 (106), 2020


Cover sheet



Slyusarenko A., Klyuchnik A. Foreign economic security of enterprises in the agricultural sector in the system of national security of the state: theoretical aspect 4
Patyka N. Assessment of the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness by regions 15
Dovhal H., Bezuhla L. Regional innovative development model of ecotourism infrastructure 25
Kravchenko A. Financial market functioning and development in the conditions of digitalization of the society 35
Diuk A. Economic assessment of social liability formation in agricultural enterprise 47


Lykhochvor V., Andrushko M. Pea productivity depending on variety and sowing rate 54
Lopushniak V., Gritsulyak G., Yakubovsky T., Barchak B., Savyuk R. Formation of energy willow productivity with re-introduction of sewerage 63
Liubych V. V., Leshchenko I. A. Whole and quality grits yield of emmer wheat grain depending on endosperm consistency and water-heat treatment 71
Shchepetilnikov Yu. The use of ferment preparations to increase the defensive functions and to decrease the stress influence on calves 80
Ivanov V., Onyshchenko A., L. Zasukha L., Hryhorenko V. Determining the optimal parameters of machines for processing the seed mass of vegetable and melon crops 87


Shebanin V., Atamanyuk I., Gorbenko O., Dotsenko N. Визначення оптимальних параметрів машин для виділення насіннєвої маси овоче-баштанних культур 95
Kurilo V., Pryshliak V. Improvement of technological processes of non-seedling method of growing sugar beet seed 104
Iegorov B., Kordzaia N. Food security of the country: features of the protein diet of the population 112
Gorbunova K., Litvinchu S., Taychrib K., Yablunovska K. Module-competent technologies for training future agro-engineers in accordance with the requirements of the Balogna process 120