Modeling and agroecological substantiation of the recreational period of soils to ensure their sustainable functioning

UDC 631.6:631.82:631.03(477.77)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-2(102)-6


R. Vozhehova
Ya. Belov


      The article reflects the results of studies on the establishment of productivity and cost-effective cultivation of corn hybrids, depending on the density of standing plants and the background of mineral nutrition. It has been proved that in order to obtain the maximum yield when growing the DKS 3730 hybrid, it is necessary to form plant density at the level of 80 thousand/ha; DKS 4764 – 70 thousand; DKS 4795 – 70-80 thousand/ha. The lowest level of cost (1.93-1.98 thousand UAH/t) was recorded in the DKS 3730 hybrid with a plant density of 80 thousand/ha and on the DKS 4795 hybrid with a density of 70 thousand/ha.         The conditional net income exceeded 40 thousand UAH/ha on the variants with hybrids DKS 3730 – with a plant density of 80 thousand UAH/ha; DKS 4764 – with a density of 70 thousand/ha; DKS 4795 – with a density of 70-80 thousand/ha. The maximum level of profitability – 143.5% was in the DKS 3730 hybrid with a plant density of 80 thousand/ha. The tendency to increase the value of gross output and, accordingly, production costs in proportion with the increase to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers was established. The highest net profit in the experience at the level of 45.7 thousand UAH/ha was obtained on the variant with the hybrid DKS 4795 with the application of fertilizers in the dose of N90P90.

        Keywords: hybrids corn, plant stand density, fertilizers, grain yield, economic efficiency.


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The impact of biological products on winter wheat productivity and economic and energy efficiency of the technology of its cultivation in conditions of the Southern Ukraine

UDC 631.147:631.874:631.51(477.7)

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2019-1(101)-6


R. Vozhegova
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3895-5633
A. Kryvenko
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2133-3010



          For the formation of high and high-quality winter wheat crops, it is necessary to determine the optimum level of fertilization and the ratio of the main nutrient elements, taking into account agrochemical fertility indices for each field, as well as its local areas. It is important to use sulphur, zinc, manganese, and iron for the cultivation of seeds and in the system of folic feeding. According to the results of field studies, it has been established that on the average level of fertility of chernozem, the southern efficacy of Gumatal Nano, Azotofit and Stimpo is manifested differently. Thus, for the influence on the productivity of winter wheat, the preparation Gumatal Nano is allocated, which provides significant yield gains in relation to the corresponding background control at the level from 0.12 to 0.95 t/ha, but for obtaining the grain of food quality it should be used under pre-planting conditions making N64P64K64. The Azotophyte preparation should be used on an uncooked background irrespective of its predecessor, or with the introduction of N32P32K32 in the cultivation of winter wheat in crop rotation after cross-flowering crops (increase in grain yield from 0.18 to 0.35 t/ha). The use of Azotophyte after a black steam (seed cultivation + three times foliar fertilization) ensures the formation of grain quality parameters at the level of the third class irrespective of the rate of application of mineral fertilizers (protein – 12,15%, gluten 20,4%). The use of the Stimpo preparation with an average fertility level of southern black earth at all levels of mineral nutrition can yield increments less than or within the smallest significant difference regardless of the predecessor. Without the use of mineral fertilizers for the use of the drug Stimpo formed grain of grade 5, to obtain the third grade grain, it is advisable to use this drug against a background of mineral fertilizers in a dose N32P32K32. The highest levels of net profit of 17.5 thousand UAH/ha and profitability of 184.1% were obtained in the variant with the introduction of the main fertilizer at a dose of N32P32K32 in conjunction with the biomedicine Gumatal Nano. The best energy efficiency with an increase in energy at the level of 43.5-44.7 GJ/ha, the energy coefficient of 2.43-2.59 is indicated in variants with the introduction of the main fertilizer in a dose of N32P32K32 in combination with non-carbohydrate feeding with the biomedical Gumatal Nano nanotube and nitric fertilizer N60.

       Key words: winter wheat, biological products, predecessor, mineral fertilizers, yield, quality, economic and energy efficiency.


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O. L. Rudik, R. A. Vozhehova. The impact of the measures of a pre-harvest complex on the moisture loss of oil-bearing flax under conditions of the South of Ukraine.

UDC 633.854.54: 631.547.76: 631.572

DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2018-4(100)-9

O. L. Rudik
R. A. Vozhehova

It was established that desiccation or cutting of oil flax plants and laying them in swaths, in spite of their maturation conditions increases moisture losses. It reduces conventional losses of seeds and straw and has a positive impact on the infestation, physical and mechanical parameters of straw for industrial use. The fastest dehydration, 4.9 – 5.52 % per day throughout the first four days after treatment, is provided by the desiccation with the preparations Basta 2 liters per hectare and Reglon Super 3 liters per hectare.

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