Dynamics of height of plants of rice and their firmness to lodging depending on of variety composition, treatment of soil and background of mineral feed

1(82), 2015
УДК 371.671:006

R.A. Vogegova
O.I. Oliynik

In the article the results of researches are presented on the study of dynamics of height of plants and their firmness to lodging depending on of high quality composition, treatment of soil and background of mineral feed at growing in the conditions of the Odessa region. It is set, that the height of sorts of rice hesitated in limits from 34,4 to 43,6 cm with substantial reduction of average daily increase in the interphase period «throwing out of panicle – complete ripeness». Most stability to lodging within the limits of 4,7-4,8 marks was provided by the sort Viscount at application of ploughing and bringing on a background the basic mineral fertilizer of the additional fertilizing.

rice, variety, treatment of soil, background of feed, height of plants, firmness to lodging

Vogegova R.A., Oliynik O.I. Dynamics of height of plants of rice and their firmness to lodging depending on of variety composition, treatment of soil and background of mineral feed


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