Bioactive addition of SPIRULINA PLATENSIS and its use is in growing of quail

UDC 574.5.085.16:636.6.087

А. Homenko

Experimentally proved that the use of milk whey consisting of nutrient medium during the cultivation of blue-green microalgae Spirulina platensis has a stimulating effect on the increase of biomass. Most dry biomass obtained by introducing 3.0% by volume of milk whey nutrient medium. Biomass obtained from the nutrient medium by adding this dose milk whey exceeded productivity of control 89.28% (p ≤ 0,001). With increasing concentrations of milk whey to 4.0% by volume of the amount of dry matter biomass Spirulina platensis was higher at 59.1% (p ≤ 0,001), compared with the control, but relative terms in the third experimental medium number decreased by 15.9%. The optimal technological parameters of biotechnology for the use of Spirulina platensis dairy whey consisting of nutrient medium are: pH of the nutrient medium within 9,0-10,0; temperature – 29,0±1,0°C; round the clock illumination – 2900 lux ± 40,0.Studies indicate that feeding quail between 1 to 22 days feed on content of 2.0% and from 23 to 50 days of growing – with a content 3.0% of biomass Spirulina platensis results to weight increase of poultry in 3,23%. The increase of average weight and absolute increments of poultry by use of biomass 3.0% supplement of Spirulina platensis, respectively, 5.47 and 4.20% compared with the control. In the study of the impact of biomass Spirulina platensis on indicators of performance observed meat likely increase body mass ante quail III experimental group, the feeding of the feed additive content of 3.0% by weight of Spirulina platensis fodder by 1.6 % (p ≤ 0,01) relative to control.

Key words: microalgae, fodder additive, biomass Spirulina platensis, culture, quail, body weight, feed.

Bioactive addition of SPIRULINA PLATENSIS and its use is in growing of quail.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Veterinary sanitation testing of blackwall products for the presence of chlamydia in cattle 

UDC 619:616.98:579.882.11

I. Fomchenko


As a result of research, on the indexes of activity of enzyme of peroxidaza and presence in meat of primary disintegration of proteins, the meat of healthy animals and cows did not differentiate with the problems of the liver. Coinciding with this, substantial distinctions were marked in the indexes of reaction to the environment (рН), so an index of рН meat from animals with the problems of the liver was 6,5+0,19, that it is peculiar for meat of sick animals. The concentration of hydrogen ions was constantly higher in the process of ripening as compared to control on 0,2 units, that specified on lowering of maintenance of glycogen in muscular fabric of sick cows. The decline in activity of peroxidaza was marked at the same time. A formol reaction and reaction with a blue vitriol gave doubtful results. This data is not concerning the quality of the beef, got from animals patient with a clamidiosis. In meat of animals of patients by a clamidiosis maintenance of toxic elements and radionukliotids less PDK.
The analysis of data showed, iron in meat of healthy animals on 10% higher, than for animals at that a clamidiosis is set. The table of contents of Niacinum in meat of patients of animals makes 4,96 mgs/of 100 g, that below than his maintenance in meat healthy on 0,16 mgs/100 g. Fats behave to the major organic components of meat . They stipulate a food and power value, giving the meat a peculiar taste and aroma. For animals that a clamidiosis is set temperature of hardening below 2,6° With and iodic number below on 1,0. It is related to operating of causative agent of clamidiosis on the organism of animals.
Thus, meat and internal organs are found inanimals at that a clamidiosis is set by serum and behaves as a microscopic method to the semi-condemned, and in connection with protracted. The long (1. 5-9 mon. ) persistence сhlamydia in parenchymatous organs: in order to prevent human infection prevention and spread the pathogen chlamydia slaughtering sick animals should produce sanitary blowing massacre or slaughter shop at the end of a shift in a personal рro prevention and subsequent disinfection of premises, equipment, inventory and сhase tools.

Key words: Veterinary-sanitary examination, chlamydia, cattle.

Veterinary-sanitary examinationof products of backwall of cattle is at the disease of chlamydia.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

The effect of cutting process on the physico-chemical characteristics of cooked sausages

UDC 637.523

L. Strikha,
O. Krivchuk

It was determined the indicators of the moisture content in cooked sausage products during the production process, were 56.1% in consecutive cuttering, compared with parallel and accelerated. It is proved that the poor moisture content was characterized by boiled sausage, made in cuter on the accelerated method. The advantage, in comparison with products made in a serial fashion was 2.3% (P>0,95).
During the research it was determined the effect of cuttering length (short, medium, long) on the physico-chemical characteristics of sausage. The study indicator of the quality sausages made in 3 control experiments, with a total cooter 210 kg of raw material. In the study of the effect of time querubyna on quality indicators found that the water content in sausage products amounted to 53.1-56.6 per cent in various ways. Poor moisture content was characterized by cooked sausages produced with an average length of cuttering. Likely the advantage of the sausage compared to sausage made with short and long phase cuttering is 3.5% (P>0,95).
In the experiment, we defined the following indicators: the percentage of moisture, protein, fat, salt and sodium nitrite. The moisture content in sausage products while manufacturing stood at 56.6% at an average temperature of grinding. Poor moisture content was characterized by cooked sausages produced in high temperature of the grinding water.
The advantage, compared with the products made when the average temperature is 1.5%, but the difference is not statistically significant (P<0,95). The amount of water within a specified range dependent on type of raw material, the content of adipose tissue. Reducing the amount of added water caused the deterioration of juiciness, appearance hard rubber consistency, reduction of output. If excessive water or sausages had Rossitto, “sand” texture, because it weakened the coupling strength between the particles of ground meat, set the release of moisture in the form of nodules of broth under the shell. The studies showed that the moisture content in cooked sausages in the manufacture was of 57.5% at dadawan a large amount of water. Low moisture content was characterized by the cooked sausage, adding small amounts of water (ice). The advantage, in terms of the moisture content in sausage products in the first method in comparison with the products manufactured by the third method was 2.9% (P>0,95).
To improve qualitative and quantitative indicators in the production of cooked sausages it is advisable to make the stuffing the average values of indicators of the duration ( 8-10 minutes) and temperature ( 12-14°C) cuttering.

Key words: boiled sausages, process parameters, cuttering, physical and chemical indicators cuttering temperature, duration of treatment, methods kuteruvannya, protein content, fat content, moisture content.

The effect of cutting process on the physico-chemical characteristics of cooked sausages.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

TheUse of organic Cobalt for the production of high quality milk

UDC 636.

O. Smetanina, doctoral student
І. Ibatulin, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences
В. Bomko, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences
Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University and National University of Life and Environmental Sciences

This article shows the results of the efficiency elimination of Cobalt deficit in feeds that have been used in experimental feeding of highly productive cows of Holstein breed through various doses of mixed lygand cobalt complex to obtain clean milk. Deficiency of Copper and Zinc covered by sulfuric acid salts of these trace elements, as well as balancing rations for Selenium by sodium selenite rate of 0.3 mg selenium per kilogram SR.
In the feeding of experimental cows we used small component forage mixture composed feed-concentrates from mixed lygand complex of cobalt, sulfate salts of copper, cobalt and sodium selenite. Feeding experimental groups differed from the control group that cows of the 2nd experimental group eliminated the deficit by 90%, cows of the 3rd experimental group – 80%, cows of the 4th experimental group by 70% and cows of the 5th experimental group – 60%.
Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment, it was found that the elimination of the deficit of cobalt in the forage mixture of 80% by mixed lygand complex of cobalt in the diets of dairy cows of Holstein breed in the dry period and the lactation period, provided the experimental cows in this element and encouraged by the highest productivity compared to the control and experimental groups, which eliminated the deficit in zinc 100%, 90%, 70% and 60%. The highest yield of natural milk during milking, milk production and the launch and for the entire 305 days of lactation had cows from the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th and the 5th research group that dominated cows analogue of controls for the gross yield natural milk respectively, at 194; 481; 179 and 60 kg, or to 1.26; 6.43; 2.39 and 0.80%.
It was found that the highest milk productivity tested cows had on the 55th and 60th day after calving.
In the milk of the tested cows except the 3d tested group it was found increasing of fat content on 0,01 – 0,03 % in the 1st control group – 3,67%, the 2d – 3,70%,the 3d – 3,69 %, the 4th – 3,73% and the 5th – 3,72 %.
Gross milk yield per cow per lactation natural milk made: in the 1st control group -7477 kg, 2-kg experimental – 7574 or by 1.26% more than in control, 3rd – 7958 kg, or 6.43% more than in control, in the 4th – 7656 kg, or 2.39% more than in control and in the 5th – 7537 kg or 0.8% more than in the control.
Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment it was proved that the best realized genetic potential of highly productive cows of Holstein breed German breeding area in the steppes of Ukraine cobalt eliminated the deficit by 80% through the use of mixed lygand complex of this element.

Key words: highly productive cows, premix, minerals, trace sulfate salts of copper, zinc, sodium selenite, mixed lygand complex of cobalt, lactation, milk yield, milk fat, forage mixture, deficit.

Using of organic Cobalt for the production of high quality milk.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

An Estimation of the full value of protein food of forages for pigs.

UDC 636.4.085.55

А. Rayhman


In forages an algorithm used to establish the presence of an “ideal” protein is developed for pigs on the basis of the data on norms of the content of essential amino acids in compound feeds and their contents in the basic forages. The interrelation of the first limiting amino acid with norm of requirement compounds number of complete sets of an “ideal” protein in a forage. Under the content ranging of forages is made to them of an “ideal” protein and its cost. In the manufacture of pork the greatest food costs , are going to energy and forage protein. The animals unequally use the proteins of forages. The over expenditure of a protein on manufacture of cattle-breeding production explains by losses amino-acids owing to their surplus concerning a level first limiting amino-acid.
It was proved, that the definition of a level of amino-acids of structure of forages to norms of the contents irreplaceable amino-acids in compound feeds for pigs allows us to give a closer estimation of amino-acids and nutritiousness of forages.
First limiting amino-acid in a grain of cereal cultures, and raps, sunflower meal is lysine, second – threonine except for corn, at which second limiting amino-acid is tryptophan, and at raps and sunflower meal – leucine.

Key word: Feeding of pigs, amino-acids, protein, ideal protein, compound feeds.

Estimation of full value of protein food value of forages for pigs.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Assessment of preservation of quail egg-laying flock during exploiting by the use of nanosilver

UDC 598.261.7:636.082.46

L. Patryeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor
V. Groza, Phd
Mykolayiv National Agrarian University

Preservation of egg-laying quails during 5 months of productive period by the use of the drug “Argenvit” in various concentrations has been estimated. It has been found that the use of drug nanosilver in the concentration 0,02% and 0,03% gives the best results, increasing the preservation of the flock by 6,7%.

Key words: egg-laying quails, preservation, nanosilver, the drug “Argenvit”.

Assessment of preservation of quail egg-laying flock during exploiting by the use of nanosilver.

1. Borisevich V. Complex exogenous and endogenous disinfectant “Sumer silver” in growing broilers / V. Borisevich, V. Kaplunenko, M. Kosinov // Proceedings of XII Eng. Conference poultry with international participation “Actual problems of modern poultry farming”. – Kharkiv, 2011. – P. 45-50.
2. Busol V. Influence of nanocomprising complex Ag-Cu on physiological parameters and performance quail [electronic resource] / V. Busol, M. Sytnik – Access: http://elibrary. nubip. edu. ua/15990/1/12bvo. pdf.
3. Bernavsky Z. Colloidal silver is a natural substitute of antibiotics / Z. Bernavsky. – Moscow : Korall Club,2006. – 21 p.
4. Groza V. Testing of disinfectant “Argenvit” in the poultry enterprise / V. Groza // Poultry: science coll. / Kharkiv: IT NAAS,2013. – Vol. 69. – P. 80-84.
5. Pat. 95309 Ukraine, IPC A 23 K 1/22 (2006. 01). Method of improving the preservation of quail / L. Patryeva, V. Groza; patent owner is Mykolayiv National Agrarian University. – № u201404276; appl. 04/22/2014; publ. 25. 12. 2014, Bull. № 24,2014.
6. Shatova D. The use of colloidal silver to enhance the safety of poultry [Electronic resource] / D. Shatova, E. Zynyna // V International students’ electronic scientific conference “Students’ Scientific Forum 2014”. – Access mode. – Access: http://www. scienceforum. ru/2014/660/3744.
7. Shuliak S. The ability of colloidal silver to cumulation by organs and tissues for the full cycle of growing quail / S. Shuliak, D. Zasyekin // Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. – 2013. – № 04 (204). – P. 35-37.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

The national food quality systems in Poland

UDC 637.072

R. Palyvoda
Bydgoszcz, Poland

We studied modern systems of food quality in Poland, analysis of factors contributing to the growth of the production of high-quality dairy and meat cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming.
It has been established that the national food quality systems give Poland the opportunity to take a leading position in global food production. Implementation of the Union veterinary and hygiene standards in the process of obtaining, storage and transportation of milk, as well as their strict observance led to the improvement of the quality of milk, and the restructuring of its production contributed to the growth of commodity production. European quality and relatively low price of the Polish dairy products makes it competitive in the EU internal market and on foreign markets.
Poland is one of the largest producers of red meat in the EU.
Production of live poultry is the most intense focus of livestock in the country. Poland is the largest producer of geese in Europe.
Used production lines, as well as long-standing Polish tradition and practice of processing facilities allow to obtain meat products having diverse and exceptional qualities adapted to the differentiated needs of consumers.

Key words: Poland, quality, nutritional products, factors of production growth.

The national food quality systems in Poland.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Mass and linear growth of repair on heifers with different stake of genotype in Holstein breed.

UDC 636.2.034

Т. Pavlova


The results of this study aim to establish the effect on the Holstein breed of the intensity of mass and linear growth of heifers in the RUE herd “Uchkhoz BSAA. ” There were no significant differences between different genotypes on body weight and the average daily gain is not set.
It was found that with increasing the breed for Holstein heifers throughout the growing season increases the height at the width. So in 16 months with the rock chicks 87. 5-100% had a height of 130. 3 cm at the withers, which is 4. 3 cm higher than that of peers with the species and less than 50% (P = 0. 95).
A clear pattern of increasing oblique body length with increasing breed. For 16 months the heifers to intermarry 87. 5-100% significantly outperformed peers with the rock 50% and less than 6. 6 cm (P = 0. 99), while the length of the trunk slanting first was 152. 2 cm, and the second – 145. 6 cm.
With the increase of breed for Holstein heifers increases index prolixity, ie animals with a greater proportion of genotype on the Holsteins have a greater relationship between body length and height. These animals are longer and higher in all stages of development.
Sbitosti index decreases with increasing the proportion of Holstein genotype, animals with a low proportion of genotype Holstein are more massive and short. For animals with high intermarry in 16 months, the index has sbitosti 115. 2% versus 120. 5% in animals with low intermarry.
Most chicks are maturing with the species for Holsteins and 87. 5% higher – 15. 7 months, the animals of the other two groups were inseminated at the age of 16. 1 a month.
There is a tendency to improve the quality of exterior heifers with increasing breed for Holsteins.

Key words: repair heifer, breed, Holstein, measurements, body weight, exterior, maturity, integrity.

Mass and linear growth of repair heifers with the different stake of genotype on a Holstein breed.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Indices of the slaughter of youngsters quails and the use feed with different levels of arginine.

UDC 636.

А. Omelian, postgraduate
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Our attention was drawn to an important biological value of arginine. Arginine performs the role of building blocks of proteins and polypeptides, regulate key metabolic pathways that are necessary for maintenance, growth, reproduction, and immunity. Arginine is one of the most versatile amino acids in animal cells. It is required for the synthesis of several compounds, such as ornithine, polyamines (spermidine, spermine, and putrescine), proline, creatine, protein, nitric oxide, and citrulline, besides glutamate and agmatine in mammals. Arginine is also a powerful secretagogue, increasing the release of insulin, the growth hormone, and IGF-I in the blood stream. For birds this amino acid is indispensable. The basis of mixed fodders for quails lacks the arginine grain. So the introduction of its synthetic counterpart is a prerequisite for effective production of poultry meat. Experiments were carried out at an experimental base for problem research laboratory of feed additives at the Department animal feeding and feed technology named after P. D. Pshenychnuy of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. For this experiment, we used the breed Pharaoh. We investigated the impact of different levels of arginine in mix fodder on indicators of slaughter of youngsters quails of meat production . We found that feeding quails aged 1-35 days of feed containing 1. 66% arginine increases the quails weight before slaughter by 3%. The aim of this research is to establish the optimal level of arginine in the fodder for young quails by comparing their parameters of slaughter. The results of our investigation have practical value and can be used for work of poultry house.

Key words: quails, amino acids, arginine, mixed fodder, indexes of slaughter, the yield of edible parts.

Indices of slaughter youngsters quails on condition of use feed with different levels of arginine.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016

Ways of increasing the productivity of pigs

UDC 636.4.085.27

O. Karunskyi, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Professor
I. Nikolenko, postgraduate student
Odessa State Agrarian University

Many people know that Ukraine has always been famous as a “breadbasket of Europe” and this directly facilitated the farmers who breed animals. But with the constant acceleration of new technological developments, the high-level of our land’s fertility becomes inadequate. That’s why more and more new challenges are put before the scientists.
So in order to be competitive not only against neighboring countries but also further abroad, extremely detailed and difficult work must be done to explore all possible means to improve productivity of animal husbandry. One of the experiments to increase the productivity of pigs of Large White breed were conducted at the enterprise of LLC “Avangard-D” in Ovidiopol Region, Odessa Oblast. To conduct this experiment the enzyme preparation of “Lisocyme” was administered to animals. This preparation is in a form of crystalline white powder, odorless and with a weak sweet taste. Lysozyme monomer exhibits strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive organisms. This phenomenon has found a practical application in the food processing industry, in medicine and pharmaceutical industry. The use of lysozyme in the food processing industry is connected primarily with its application as a natural preservative. The enzyme is widely used as a preservative for meat, fish and their products, for milk and dairy products, as well as for fruit and vegetables. The pharmaceutical industry uses this enzyme in the manufacture of adjuvant drugs for antibiotics and analgesics for viral and bacterial infections, in the treatment of leukemia and neoplastic diseases. Lysozyme is also used as a diagnostic agent, being an indicator of the occurrence and the progression of pathological changes in humans and animals.
The work was done over the different age groups of animals of this breed to determine the effect of this preparation at all stages of pigs development.

Key words: productivity, premix, feeding, pigs, enzyme preparation of “Lisocyme”.

Ways of increase of the productivity of pigs.

Issue 2(90), Part 2, 2016