Zamorskyi V., Kamedzko T., Manushkina T., Samoilenko M., Buchilov V. Productivity of the mother root and cutting garden of the pumiselect clone rootstock in the Steppe of Ukraine

UDC 634.22(477.7)


Zamorskyi V.

Kamedzko T.

Manushkina T.

Samoilenko M.

Buchilov V.


It was studied the dynamics of productivity of the mother root and cutting garden of the pumiselect clone rootstock, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the Steppe Zone of Ukraine, as well as technological aspects of crop management. In the first three years of vegetation of mother plants, there was an intensive build-up of the aboveground part of the bushes, which gave rise to transfer them to the state of operational plantings. The dynamics of the formation of the height and diameter of mother plants during this period made it possible to sufficiently justify the optimal plant placement schemes and nutrition area.

It was found that with an increase in the age of mother plantings and taking into account the almost complete alienation of annual growth for harvesting lignified cuttings, there was a decrease in plant habit, which led to a decrease in the productivity of plantings. The height of mother plants for five years of intensive operation decreased by 2.1 times, the width decreased by 2.0 times, the crown projection area decreased by 4.1 times, the leaf apparatus area decreased by 7.4 times.

A direct relationship was found between an increase in the age of mother plants and changes in the main morphological elements that determine their productivity. There was an annual decrease in the number of growing shoots and their length, which, in turn, led to a decrease in the total length of growth from 142.3 thousand m/ha down to 33.3 thousand m/ha, or by 4.3 times. In the most productive period of operation of mother plantings, it is possible to prepare 35.6 up to 42.8 m of growth per plant and 474.9 up to 570.2 thousand Pcs. / ha of cuttings, while from aging plantings it is prepared only 10.0 up to 16.8 m of growth per plant and 133.6 up to 223.6 thousand Pcs. / ha of cuttings.

It was shown that mother plants of the pumiselect clone rootstock, with their intensive use, significantly reduced the productivity of plantings after the second year of their operation, in the 7th – 9th years of cultivation. Annual alienation of shoots negatively affected regeneration processes and led to accelerated aging of mother plants, which limited the feasibility of long-term cultivation in order to obtain lignified cuttings. Prospects for further research are to develop elements of cyclic operation of the mother root & cutting garden, which will help extend the duration of productive use of mother plants.

Keywords: pumiselect, clone rootstock, mother plantings, shoots, biometric characteristics, lignified cuttings.


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Babiak N., Krutous N. CVP-analysis in the conditions of multiproduct manufacturing as a tool of operational controlling

UDC 658.155:005.915


Babiak N.

Krutous N.


Abstract. Introduction. This article is devoted to CVPanalysis, which is an operational tool of cost controlling, and without it the process of operational profit planning of any enterprise is impossible. In this article the emphasis is made on the limitations and assumptions that “cost-volume-profit” analysis has, as well as opportunities that this method provides to companies are identified, including in cases of multiproduct manufacturing

Purpose. The purpose of this article is approbation and identifying of features of CVP-analysis used in practical activity of industrial enterprises, in particular in the conditions of multiproduct manufacturing.

Results. The article reveals features of CVP-analysis in the conditions of multiproduct manufacturing and the authors compare methods of its implementation. Possibilities of application of analysis results during managerial decisions making in the system of operational controlling are identified. The authors research the issue of distribution of total fixed undistributed costs for certain types of production by different methods, as well as determining of break-even level of production and sales of certain types of production on the basis of weighted average profit margin. Modeling of different scenarios of production and sale of certain types of production made it possible to determine the maximum and minimum possible level of operational profit under the influence of changes in demand, assortment and enterprise’s production marginality. With the help of operational lever in the framework of operational analysis at production enterprise the influence of changes in the level of fixed costs and specific variable costs on the profit are researched.

Conclusions. In the article, it is proved that the success of CVP-analysis depends on solving the number of operational controlling tasks, meaning: optimization of cost level, accurate forecasting of demand and formation of products assortment with high marginality, managing the ratio of fixed and variable costs with the aim of increasing operational profit and increase efficiency of enterprise production activities.

Keywords: CVP analysis, variable costs, fixed costs, margin profit, break-even point, operational analysis, operational controlling



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Ostrovska H. Іndustrial enterprises intellectual resources management in а knowledge-based economy

UDC 338.1:658.3


Ostrovska H.


Abstract. A holistic vision of the problem, the prerequisites for the study and the industrial enterprises intellectual resources management tasks have been revealed in the article presents. An important factor that determines the innovative development of the knowledge-based economy is intellectual one. The main target of modern industrial enterprises intellectual potential managing should be to achieve and stabilize the necessary reproductive level of intellectual resources, due to the needs of the enterprise in innovative development in a knowledge-based economy. This guideline determines the sequence of problem solving, tools, the order of resources allocation in the process of internal management, aimed to the innovative results. In this regard, it is actualized the need to find adequate management approaches that allow to project necessary management systems and mechanisms, which are required in the implementation of perspective directions of domestic economy innovative development. Thus, the lack of industrial personnel effective management in the new economic environment based on traditional approaches identified the main idea of the study, aimed at developing the theory and methodology of human resource management, based on the infrastructure and reproductive approach.

The article substantiates the theoretical provisions and developed scientific and practical recommendations due to the industrial enterprises intellectual resources management in the formation of a knowledge-based economy. The infrastructural and reproductive approach to industrial enterprises intellectual resources management in the conditions of modern transformation processes, causing social and economic changes at all levels of economy is offered. The advantage of the approach proposed by the author is that the intellectualization of personnel has been seen as a process, which was included into the innovation cycle of the enterprise as its infrastructure, not as an isolated reproductive process. The classification of organizational levels of management industrial enterprises intellectual resources management on coverage of personnel intellectualization reproductive process elements is developed. According to the levels of industrial enterprises intellectual resources management organization, the types of personnel policies of industrial enterprises in the conditions of innovative economic development are identified.

The results of the study are useful and necessary for the development of the theoretical and methodological basis for improving the organization of innovatively active industrial entities personnel management in a knowledge-based economy. They can be used in the development of tools, methods, systems and mechanisms for of industrial enterprises intellectual resources managing, aimed at maximizing the effect of innovation needed to ensure sustainable innovation at the current level. The obtained results can be used in the “lifelong learning” concept development, namely in the processing of the lifelonglearning elements application organizational aspects of at the enterprise level. In addition, the obtained solutions allow to research and create management systems and mechanisms to form and develop professional competencies of employees in the modern digital industry innovation field (industries 4.0).

Keywords: knowledge-based economy; industrial enterprise; innovative development; intellectual potential; intellectual resources management; the effect of innovation; intellectual and innovative activity of personnel.



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