Issue 2 (110), 2021


Титульний лист



Poltorak A., Melnyk O., Baryshevska I., Ihnatenko Zh. Alternative sources of funding for the development of united territorial communities 4
Zelinska H., Andrusiv U. Globalization challenges and competitiveness of the enterprise’s personnel 11
Ksonzhyk I., Petrova O. Information support for development of rural green tourism enterprises in Ukraine in conditions of COVID-19 pandemic
Lunkina T., Burkovskaya A., Gulich K. Application of financial technologies in the banking system of Ukraine
Barabash L.Transformation of the tax system of Ukraine in order to facilitate the development of agricultural production 36
Skrylnyk Ie.,HetmanenkoV.,KutovaА.,Moskalenko V. Potential resources of organic raw materials in Ukraine and the approaches to their management for increasing soil organic carbon stocks
Dehtiarov Yu.,ChekarO. Use of electrophysical indicators during growing strawberries on drop irrigation

Siabruk O., Naydenova O., Get’man Ya.Influence of biological products on СО₂ emission and microflora of the root zone of corn

Bilinska O.,KulkaV.,SametsN.,GolodR.The influence of application of the preparation Albit on formation of seed productivity of supplemental potatoe material

Babenko D.,Dotsenko N.,Gorbenko O.,Kim N.Justification of the implementation of a separator of seeds of vegetable and melon crops as part of the technological line

Popov A., Novikov O., Savenkov O., Sadovuy O., Kondrateva O. Influence the misalignment and bending of the rotary shaft on the force factors which appear in its toothed connections 88
Shlapak G., Agunova L., Azarova N. Vegetable components in technology production of meat products 95

Mirzayev N.  Сovid-19 pandemic and innovative agrarian economy

Rahimli  H. Evaluation of the role of intellectual capital in innovative economic growth in the framework of knowledge economy 110

Rahimli H. Evaluation of the role of intellectual capital in innovative economic growth in the framework of knowledge economy

UDC [005.336.1-047.44]:330.341.1: [330.1:37.014]


Rahimli H.


The article analyses the role of intellectual capital in innovative economic growth within the knowledge economy. To this end, the essence of social capital phenomena, one of the modern concepts of human capital and institutional economy, which are the main components of intellectual capital, is explained, as well as the impact of research and development activities on economic growth, one of the main indicators of scientific development.

 Key words: knowledge economy, intellectual capital, human capital, social capital, research and development, economic growth.


  1. Erkuş A. (2006), Entelektüel sermaye: bir uygulama. [Intellectual capital: an application]. Erzurum [in Turkish].
  2. Muradov A. (2018), Bilik iqtisadiyyati quruculuğunda insan kapitalinin roluna dair nəzəri mülahizələr. [Prospective opinions on the role of human capital in the founding of scientific economics]. Peşә tәhsili vә insan kapitalı. Cild 1, №4, s.47-52. [in Azerbaijani].
  3. Arrow, K. J. (1974), The Limits of Organization. New York: W.W. Norton,.
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  6. Bağırzadə E. (2018), Bilik iqtisadiyyatı, iqtisadi artım və dövlət. [Knowledge economy, economic growth and state]. UNEC ekspert jurnalı (5). [in Azerbaijani].
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  8. Tahirova G. [2014], Sosial kapitalın iqtisadiyyata təsiri. [The impact of social capital on the economy]. Mərkəzi bank işçi məqalələri silsiləsi. № 05. [in Azerbaijani].
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  11. Rəhimli H. (2021), Sahibkarlıq universitetlərinin insan kapitalı və sosial kapitalın inkişafında rolu. [The role of entrepreneurship universities in the development of human capital and social capital]. AMEA-nın Xəbərləri. İqtisadiyyat seriyası (may). [in Azerbaijani].
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  13. Jiang Shuguang Sun Tao. (2015), Beliefs and Economic Growth: Cross National Evidence Based on the World Values Survey (WVS).
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  15. Putnam, Robert D. (1995), “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital”. Journal of Democracy 6(l): 65-87.
  16. Putnam, Robert, Helliwel, John. (1995), “Economic Growth and Social Capital in Italy”. Eastern Economic Journal, Vol.21, No:23, Summer, pp.295-307.
  17. Stanley Fischer Rudiger Dornbusch, Richard Schmalensee. (1988), Economics.
  18. Süleyman Kevük. (2006), Bilgi ekonomisi. [Knowledge economy]. Journal of Yasar University, 1(4), s. 319-350. [in Turkish].
  19. Sullivan, P. H. (1998), Profiting from Intellectual Capital. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Mirzayev N. COVID-19 pandemic and innovative agrarian economy

UDC 614.4COVID19:[330.341.1:338.432]


Mirzayev N.


The COVID – 19 pandemic has had and continues to have a profound effect on all areas of our lives. One of the main areas affected by the pandemic is agriculture. The article emphasizes the need to apply science-intensive technologies and expand innovative activities to ensure sustainable development of agriculture in the current pandemic. The importance of new generation technologies in accelerating the innovative development of the agricultural sector is also studied. Positive results have been obtained on issues that need to be solved when organizing and developing an economy based on an innovation system in the agricultural sector in a pandemic.

 Key words: agricultural sector, innovation, COVID-19 pandemic, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, economic activity.


  1. Balayev Rəsul. (2021). Pandemiya və rəqəmsal transformasiyalar. [Pandemic and digital transformation]. ADİU-UNEC. “Elm günləri”. Bakı, 15-30 mart [in Azerbaijani]. URL:– Title from the screen.
  2. Mirzəyev N. S. (2017), Azərbaycanda taxılçılıq sahəsində sahibkarlıq subyektlərinin faəliyyət istiqamətləri. [Areas of activity of entrepreneurial entities in the field of grain growing in Azerbaijan]. Monoqrafiya. “Elm və təhsil” nəşriyyatı. Bakı [in Azerbaijani].
  3. Salahov S. V. (2004), Aqrar sahənin dövlət tənzimlənməsi problemləri. [Problems of state regulation of the agricultural sector]. Bakı, “Nurlan”, 504 s. [in Azerbaijani].
  4. Salahov S. V. (2010), Aqrar sahənin innovasiya yönümlü inkişafının konseptual əsasları. [Conceptual framework for innovative development of the agricultural sector]. “İnnovasiyalı kənd təsərrüfatı istehsalının formalaşdırılması problemləri”nə həsr edilmiş beynəlxalq elmi-praktik konfransın materialları. Bakı, Az.ETKTİ və Tİ, s. 8-18. [in Azerbaijani].
  5. Babayeva V. M. (2020), Aqrar sahənin innovasiyalı inkişafının prioritet istiqamətləri. [Priority areas of innovative development of the agricultural sector]. “Kənd təsərrüfatının iqtisadiyyatı” elmi-praktiki jurnal. № 4 (34). Bakı, [in Azerbaijani] URL: – Title from the screen.
  6. Bernie Gracie. (2020), Digital transformation: 4 ways to plan a normal life after a pandemic. URL: – Title from the screen.
  7. Online Nation/ (2020), [Èlektronnyj resurs]. URL: – Title from the screen.
  8. The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities Oslo Manual (2018) GUIDELINES FOR COLLECTING, REPORTING AND USING DATA ON INNOVATION. URL: – Title from the screen.
  9. State Statistics Service of Azerbaijani URL: – Title from the screen.

Shlapak G., Agunova L., Azarova N. Vegetable components in technology production of meat products

UDC 621.824


Shlapak G., Agunova L., Azarova N. 


The article substantiates and experimentally proves the possibility of using couscous groats in the technology for the production of chopped semi-finished products. As a result of the study of the functional, technological and organoleptic indicators of model minced meat, it was found that it is rational to add no more than 9% of prepared couscous groats to the recipe for beef and pork meatballs. The quality indicators of semi-finished products comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

 Key words: couscous, chopped semi-finished products, functional and technological indicators, meatballs, organoleptic assessment.


  1. Hayrapetyan, A. A., Manzhesov, V. I. & Churikova, S. Y. (2020). The development of technology for functional food products on based on combination of raw materials of vegetable and meat origin. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. – IOP Publishing. 422 (1), 012040. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/422/1/012040
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Popov A., Novikov О., Savenkov O., Sadovuy О., Kondrateva А. Influence the misalignment and bending of the rotary shaft on the force factors which appear in its toothed connections

UDC 621.824


Popov A., Novikov О., Savenkov O., Sadovuy О., Kondrateva А.


The analysis of the influence of the skew and deflection of the shaft, which rotates with high frequency, on the force factors for some gear joints is carried out. It has been established that the values of the dynamic factors do not exceed 1.05-1.15, and the dynamic components of these force factors can reach 30-50% of the values of the level of their static components.

 Key words: rotating shaft, deflection, gear coupling, transmission, axle misalignment, force factors.


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Babenko D., Dotsenko N., Gorbenko O., Kim N. The influence of application of the preparation Albit on formation of seed productivity of supplemental potatoe material

UDC 631.361.8


Babenko D., Dotsenko N., Gorbenko O., Kim N.


A modified design of a seed separator was tested in various technological configurations based on the technological line of separation seeds of vegetable and melon crops: with a serial separator, with an experimental separator, complete with a MOS-300 machine. The comparative characteristics of such indicators as productivity, seed loss, the content of impurities in seeds, injury to seeds are given. The implementation of the melon seeds separation into technological line is substantiated.

 Key words: vegetable and melon crops, separator, technological line, seeds separation.


  1. Myshanchuk T. Ovochevo-bashtanna produktsiia: problemy v haluzi. Ahrarnyi tyzhden. Ukraina. Rezhym dostupu:
  2. Sukhyi P.O., Zaiachuk M.D. Suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku ovochivnytstva v Ukraini. Uchenыe zapysky Krыmskoho federalnoho unyversyteta ymeny V. Y. Vernadskoho. Heohrafyia. Heolohyia. 2012. Vyp.1. S.113-117 Rezhym dostupu:
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  5. Arunabha Pal, Rahul Adhikary,  Tanmoy Shankar, Ajit Kumar, Sagar. Maitra. Cultivation of Cucumber in Greenhouse. 2020. doi: 10.30954/NDP-PCSA.2020.14.
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  14. Babenko D. V., Horbenko O. A., Dotsenko N. A., Kim N. A. Optymizatsiia konstruktyvnykh i kinematychnykh parametriv separatora nasinnia ovochevykh ta bashtannykh kultur. Visnyk ahrarnoi nauky Prychornomoria. Vyp. 3 (107). 2020. C.105-112

Bilinska O., Kulka V., Samets N., Golod R. The influence of application of the preparation Albit on formation of seed productivity of supplemental potatoe material

UDC 631:633:49


Bilinska O., Kulka V., Samets N., Golod R.


The article presents the results of research on the influence of methods of application of the complex drug Albit on the formation of potato productivity in the process of reproduction of pre-seed seeds in the south-western part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

In the course of research, it was established that in order to achieve a high level of realization of biological potential of culture and product quality in cultivation of additional seed material of potatoes, it is advisible to conduct the procedure of processing of tubers at planting  Albite 100 ml / t and spraying twice in the phase of germination and budding of vegetative plants with the preparation at a dose of 50 ml / ha.

 Key words: potato,  crop, seed productivity, plant growth regulators, tuber fraction.


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Siabruk O., Naydenova O., Get’man Ya. Influence of biological products on СО₂ emission and microflora of the root zone of corn

UDC 631.433.5:631.51.01: 631.427


Siabruk O., Naydenova O., Get’man Ya.


The article presents the results of observations of carbon dioxide emissions and other indicators of soil biological activity in order to determine the effectiveness of the introduction of elements of biologization of agriculture. It was found that the use of a set of agricultural measures (tillage destructor tillage, pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological product and double foliar treatment with humic preparation) increased СО₂ emissions and increased the number of microflora in the root zone of corn compared to control. There was a significant increase in the yield of corn grain due to the use of a complex of biological products (up to 16%, depending on the option).

 Key words: carbon dioxide emission, biologization of agriculture, agricultural activities, soil microflora, corn.


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Dehtiarov Yu., Chekar O. Use of electrophysical indicators during growing strawberries on drop irrigation.

UDC 338.2


Dehtiarov Yu., Chekar O.


Three-year studies (2018-2020) have been carried out on the influence of different fertilizer systems under drip irrigation on the electrophysical parameters of typical chernozem during the cultivation of garden strawberries.

It has been established that the largest changes in electrophysical parameters (electrical conductivity, total mineralization, salinity) of typical chernozem occur from the ridge to a depth of 20-30 cm. There is a difference in the obtained values of electrophysical indicators between variants of fertilization of typical chernozem (control, mineral system, organo-mineral system, organic system), and also during years of researches is revealed.

 Key words: chernozem typical, electrophysical indicators, drip irrigation, fertilization.


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Ie. Skrylnyk, V. Hetmanenko, А. Kutova, V. Moskalenko. Potential resources of organic raw materials in Ukraine and the approaches to their management for increasing soil organic carbon stocks

UDC 631.86:631.895:631.879


Skrylnyk Ie., Hetmanenko V., Kutova А., Moskalenko V.


The available resources of organic raw materials for replenishment of organic carbon in soils in various soil and climatic zones of Ukraine have been analyzed. The approximate supply of organic fertilizers to the regions of Ukraine has been calculated, based on various scenarios. The characteristics of potential resources of organic raw materials of natural origin and organic waste from the standpoint of humus formation are given. Approaches to the management of organic materials are proposed to improve the efficiency of humus accumulation in soils.

 Key words: organic raw materials, humus, zonal sufficiency, approaches to resource management.


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