Novikova N., Antonenko N. “Feasibility of use of wheat variety “”Kosovitsa”” and vegetable concentrating additives in the technology of producing grain loads “

UDC 687.682


Novikova N.

Antonenko N. 


One of the progressive directions in the development of food production is the creation of enriched grain-based products, because due to the relatively low cost of raw materials they are available to the general population, are traditional and can compensate for the lack of biologically active substances in the diet, increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors.

The main purpose of the article is to prove the feasibility of using wheat variety «Kosovytsia» and plant food additives of hawthorn, ginseng and sea buckthorn in the technology of making grain breads.

In the recipe of developed breads the mass fraction of hawthorn fruit powder, ginseng, sea buckthorn and table salt was varied. All the components were sieved and dosed. The result was whole grain breads in the form of circular briquettes.

The addition of natural vegetable powders to the recipe of grain breads made it possible to increase the amount of macro- and microelements in them. Most accounts for phosphorus in experimental breads with hawthorn, ginseng and sea buckthorn, respectively, 392 mg/100 g, 399 mg/100 g, 441 mg/100 g. In terms of control, the new loaves had the best indicator of iron content.

Polypropylene lamina that we used in the storage of bread have protective properties that help inhibit the accumulation of free fatty acids, and the introduction of plant supplements as natural antioxidants helps reduce the amount of free fatty acids compared to control.

Based on studies of physicochemical parameters of grain breads proved the feasibility of introducing into their recipe up to 3% of plant components of hawthorn, ginseng and sea buckthorn, an increased percentage of plant components is accompanied by increased energy costs for the production of this type of food. It is established that the guaranteed shelf life of grain loaves in polypropylene lamina at a temperature of (18 ± 2) 0C and a relative humidity of 70-75% is 5 months.

Key words: vegetable raw materials, grain breads, hawthorn powder, ginseng powder, sea buckthorn powder, wheat variety «Kosovitsa».



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Krylova I., Ivanenko T. Social and economic risk of household poverty in Ukraine

UDC 330.567.28(477):338.23:36


Krylova I.

Ivanenko T.


Current difficult socio-economic situation in society causes threats and instability to the Ukrainian family and household. The situation associated with the COVID-2019 has a particularly negative impact on the increase in socio-economic risks. This article examines the socio-economic risks of households in Ukraine, describes the main indicators and the risk of poverty, its assessment in the near future.

The study found that the threat of unemployment, declining family incomes, limited opportunities to improve the standard and quality of life, deteriorating social status characterize the concept of social risk. Social risks of households can be classified according to the following factors of influence: economic, physiological, human personality, demographic and occupational.

Analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of households in Ukraine shows that a significant part of them exists without children, and for the period 2017-2020 approximately 76% of households have only 1 child. Every year their number decreases, the share of households consisting of working members decreases.

The term “poverty” can be understood as a socio-economic situation when a person cannot maintain the way of life that is inherent in a particular society in a certain period of time. Poor people are those whose resources and incomes are so limited that it prevents them from leading a minimally acceptable life in the society. In Ukraine, the most influential factors of increasing the risk of household poverty are the following: large families; low level of education; unemployment (especially long-term).

Social risks, which are formed under the pressure of economic factors (poverty and job loss), have increased several times recently due to the COVID-19 and quarantine measures. It is established that poverty is expected to increase in all types of households in Ukraine. The most threatening situation and increased risk of poverty is in the households with children. Single-parent families will also suffer significantly, with poverty projected to rise to 50.4%.

Summarizing, we note that the main socio-economic risks that cause a threat to households in Ukraine are the following: 1) loss of the main source of income (reduction of income); 2) reduction of consumer opportunities; 3) long-term unemployment; 4) deterioration of health; 5) reducing opportunities for access to quality services; 6) increasing social tension in society, criminalization of the social environment; 7) loss of sense of personal security.

Key words: risk, household, poverty, economic deprivation, unemployment, population.



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Kormishkin Yu. SMART growth economic development strategy for associations of territorial communities

UDC 332.146


Kormishkin Yu.


The article investigates the essence of strategic planning of united territorial communities. It is established that the main task of strategic planning is to ensure sustainable development of territories, the main principles of which are: focus on the needs and interests of people; consensus on the long-term goal (vision) of the territory development; integrity and integrity; focusing on clear budget priorities.

The list of the basic problems which arise in communities during their functioning is resulted. It is determined that local governments and residents of united territorial communities have to work in conditions of formidable challenges, greater opportunities and greater responsibility when they try to cooperate for the economic development of OTG and provide livelihoods for its residents, many of whom do not have permanent jobs.

It is justified that for the economic development of united territorial communities it is necessary to use the strategy of economic development SMART growth, or in other words the strategy of smart / intellectual growth. The main reasons for the application of the SMART growth economic development strategy include: the scale of the crisis, which leads to the closure of the main budget-generating enterprises of OTG, emergencies, the need to carry out large-scale work to clean contaminated land and water resources; the need for reconstruction (restoration) of certain areas (area, streets, parts of OTG); the need to take advantage of certain opportunities, such as those related to infrastructure investments.

The principles of application of the SMART growth strategy are revealed, the stages of its development and advantages for OTG are determined. SMART growth strategies have been found to help communities grow in such a way as to expand economic opportunities while protecting human health and the environment. But it should be noted that whatever the local opportunities and circumstances of OTG’s economic development, it is necessary to follow a certain process that will ensure maximum compliance with the needs of the community and will achieve certain goals.

To develop a SMART growth strategy, it is proposed to follow the following five steps: site selection; determining the context of activity; goal setting; identification of available assets and obstacles; choosing the right tools. It is concluded that by using the strategy of economic development SMART growth OTG can solve the problems they face during their existence (functioning), in particular, communities often lack staff and resources. This strategy helps to prioritize plans and identify little-known results that can bring OTGs closer to their economic, social, and environmental goals.

Keywords: united territorial communities, development, intellectual development, strategic planning, strategy.



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