Prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis in plasma and semen of boars of red white-belted breed during the formation of sexual function

UNC 636.4; 612,6

A.M. Shostia.

It was studied peculiarities the red white belted breed of the formation of prooxidant and antioxidant homeostasis in plasma and sperm of boars of the red white belted breed during the period of a formation of sexual function. It was determined that a level of sperm production in young boars from 5-th to 7-th month of a life substantially increase. Receiving two ejaculates a week from boars of 9-th – 10-th month age mainly doesn’t cause lowering the quality of sperm production. During the period of a formation of sexual function in plasma and sperm of young boars, the processes of FRPО are accelerated, a level of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CT) is increasing, but not enzymes antioxidants (GT) are lowering. The most intensively these processes occur during 6-th and 8-th months of their development. The course of processes FRPО in plasma of sperm in young boars in the comparison with sperm occur less intensively.


Fertility of boars of specialized meat breed of foreign origin

UNC 636.4.082

Shaferivsky B.S., Master of Agricultural Science
Poltava State Agrarian Academy

The given article represents results of assessment of boars-breeders of large white breed, duroc, landrace and pietrain of German selection regarding their sperm production quality depending on the breed and the season; and also efficiency of their crossbreeding with sows of large white breed and landrace of French selection in order to obtain feeder young pigs.
Results of the assessment of the experimental boars’ sperm demonstrated fluctuations of breed and seasonal ejaculate amount, sperm cell concentration and mobility, which can influence reproductive performance of sows and disturb technological rhythm of young pig bearing. It has been determined that boars of landrace breed were characterized by the least concentration of spermatozoa in ejaculate in different seasons, and boars of large white breed were characterized by the most stable concentration of sperm during the year. Boars of duroc breed had the smallest amount of ejaculate irrespectively of seasons along with the highest activity of sperm cells among the examined breeds. Estimate of reproductive performance of boars mated with sows indicates that the highest polycarpic effect may be obtained from crossbreeding of sows of landrace breed of French selection with boars of large white breed of German selection – 11.7 head, which is 0.5 – 2.5 head more compared with other alternatives of parents. It has been determined that usage of pigs of French and German selection, having applied both thoroughbred breeding and crossbreeding, provides live weight of 7.1 – 8.9 kg for one head of young pigs during the weaning period having reached 28 days. Animals of genotype ½ (large white breed of French origin + duroc of German origin) were characterized by the heaviest live weight of one head during weaning period having exceeded other pigs’ weight by 0.4 – 1.8 kg.


Шляхи покращання генетичного потенціалу порід свиней

UNC 636.4.082

M. A. Khvatova

The signs of genetic productive potential and degree its realization is importance in the selection programs and full not yet achieved. For example, the degree realization genetic potential for age achieve live mass 100 kg is only 40-45 % and reproductive ability of sows still less. Object our researches was to determine the genetic productive potential and degree its realization of breeds pigs Large White, Landrace, Welsh, Ukrainian meat in hybridization. Was performed genealogy and reproductive analis pigs of Welsh breed in pure breeding properties. In the article is presented methods for improvement of genetic productive potential on the basis using pure-breeding of linear-families Welsh breed for reproductive properties and hybridization breeds of pigs Large White, Landrace, Welsh, Ukrainian meat for fattening qualities. It has been found that some linear-families and crossbred combinations had higher and fulfilled effects of genetic potential and degree its realization. Effects combining ability of multi-prolificacy had variation in range from minus 0,419 to 0,477, mass piglets farrow at the age of two months from minus 5,15 kg. to 10,64 kg. Was proposed method prognostication effects genetic potential. Comparative analysis was show that method of prediction effect genetic potential on the base of using genetic-mathematical models is better in comparison with method additive interaction gene. The genetic-mathematical model includes effects of the general and specific combing ability and average population of signs.
Conclusions. In order to fulfill their genetic potential and degree its realization are using modern high productive breeds in pure breeding of linear-families combination and hybridization.
Prognostication genetic productive potentially and deegry its realization was better by genetic-mathematical model with effects combining ability in comparison with method additive interaction gene. Degree prediction realization genetic potential for age achieve live mass 100 kg improvement from 2,6 % to 9,35 %.

Key words:
pigs, genetic potential, degree realization, linear-families combinations, hybridization, prediction of performance, combining ability.

Modern technology of pork production in conditions of Michurin ALLC of Bratsky District of Mykolaiv Region

UNC 636.4.082

G. Kalinichenko
O. Koval, O.Petrova

The technology of pork production in conditions of Michurin ALLC of Bratsky District of Mykolaiv Region is investigated. In this farm purebred large white sows of English selection and their cross breed with landrace as well are used for pork production. Specialized meat-type hogs, such as landrace, Duroc and Pietrain, are used too. It is proved that as a result of establishment of improved technology of pork production in conditions of Michurin ALLC the breakeven level in pig breeding field will heighten by 12,6% and this figure will reach 39,3%.


Reproductive ability of sows to the use of neurotropic-metabolic drug

UNC 636. 082.454:615.36

O. S. Pylypchuk
V. I. Sheremeta

Analysis of the data shows that fertilization of sows experimental group was 21.4% higher than in the control group of animals. In the experimental group of sows gestation duration period decreased by 1.2 days compared to the females control group. Wifeless time even though he was shorter by 0.5 day compared with animals in the control group, but within the margin of error. That is, because of considerable variability of its duration is not is traced effects on the rate. In this regard, conducted a detailed analysis of this indicator, determining the duration of gestation sows and those who came to hunt again. Since the difference in the length of the idle period in sows experimental group compared with the control, which became pregnant, was 0.9 days and was not within the error, we can assume that the drug causes a tendency to reduce it. To determine the effect on fertility wifeless period, experimental and control groups were divided into two subgroups, with its lasting 4-5 days and 6-8. Sows with the idle period of 6-8 days significantly outweighed by 2.1 day animals subgroups lasting 4-5 days. This sows the control and experimental groups idle period which lasted 4-5 days there is a hundred percent fertilization, which is not the females of his lasting 6-8 days. Fertility of these animals was lower by 47.7% in the control and 40% – in research, compared with sows that were  wifeless period of 4-5 days. During the study of sows experimental group received 288 of them stillborn piglet 6, and in control of -193 and 12 goals respectively. That sows in the experimental group received 1.5 times more newborn piglets and 2 times less stillborn. Prolificacy sows experimental group was higher by 1.6 head than in the control. Weight of live births female piglets experimental group was higher by 23.1%. Thus, feeding sows after weaning against the background of vitaminization, neurotropic-metabolic of the drug Hlyutam 1M causes the tend to increase fertility in, and reduce prolificacy stillborn piglets.

fertilization, reproductive ability, Hlyutam 1M, sow, piglets, multiple pregnancy live weight.


Features of growth and development of pigs of different genotypes

UNC 636.4.082

A. Pohvalenko
N. Savosik

The growing demand for meat pork requires significant changes in the gene pool of animals, improvement of existing breeds and imports from countries with developed pig specialized beef genotypes. Use in hybridization imported breeds provides a large gain, reduces feed costs and increases profitability. Study of the ontogeny of animals of different breeds and their hybrids allows to determine the optimal parameters of technology and feeding that will maximize the genetic potential of specific genotypes. A significant contribution to the theory of ontogenesis made famous scientists Sven K. B., B. N. Kovalenko, Medvedev Century A. and others. They found that different breeds have different physiological maturity and pass the stages of development at different rates. Given the changes in technology and feeding in which it occurs and the selection process and the production of pork, there is a need for further study of the influence of all these factors, and genetic and Parfyonova character on the ontogeny of animals. Therefore, we carried out a study of the growth and development of pigs specialized beef breeds imported (from Northern Ireland) and crossbred animals from their crosses. With the aim of studying the growth and development of purebred pigs of large white and Landrace breeds and crossbred animals from their reciprocal combinations in terms of plant LLC “freedom farm Bacon” was formed four groups of 15 animals each. Animals of all experimental groups were kept in group cages on slowy floor with free access to sokovich drinkers and samogon. Feeding was carried out rations balanced for a wide range of nutrients to meet the age requirements. Monthly animal individually resolved and taken measurements. Based on the weightings were calculated the average body weight for each group, the absolute, average and relative gains, indexes physique. Summarizing the results of the research it is possible to draw the following conclusions.
1. The pigs of Landrace had a higher growth energy, which gave them an advantage in live weight, which was more significant with age.
2. By weight, the obtained effect of heterosis in crossbred gilts and direct and inverse variations crossing. Most likely the difference in live weight was at the age of 6 and 7 months in favor of crossbred animals on both the source rocks.
3. The linear parameters are set more significant differences between breeds Landrace and large white crossbred animals had mostly intermediate character change performance measurements and indices of body.
4. Landrace had a long torso and is 6.2 4.8 cm superior to their counterparts of large white breed, however, was inferior to the depth of the chest.
5. Crossbred gilts of both research groups on linear measurements and indexes of body composition were mainly of an intermediate nature of inheritance with a deviation in the direction of the parent species.


Compatibility of parental pairs in pig genotype with the animal estrogen receptor-1 gene

UNC 575:636.4.082.4

S. Kostenko
A. Sidorenko
P. Juice

З метою встановлення поєднуваності батьківських пар різних генотипів за геном рецептора естрогену проведено аналіз репродуктивних якостей свиноматок і кнурів. У результаті досліджень встановлено, що оптимальним для тварин великої білої породи є поєднання гетерозиготних генотипів АВ.


Analysis of the age dynamics of reproductive qualities of different breeds sows

UNC 636.4.082.25

E Barkar
I Halushko

The article analyzes the reproductive qualities of sows of large white and red white-banded breeds according to the first, second and third farrow, studied the effect of breed and age in sows farrow on reproduction quality. The analysis of the results revealed no statistically significant differences between the sows of different breeds according to the first farrow. It was found that according to the second farrow the sows of large white breed are characterized by the higher animal red white-banded breed 1.2 head statistically dominate multiple pregnancy and them. A large number of piglets at weaning (1.3 head) and socket at weaning weight (27.5 kg) sows of large white breed Hungarian selection are also different. An analysis of the data of the third farrow found that only mass nest at weaning sows of large white breed Hungarian selection statistically dominated by animal red white-banded breed 23.7 kg. The performed analyzes of variance revealed a significant effect of breed of the variability of multiple pregnancy, number of piglets at weaning, the mass of the nest and one piglet at weaning and age at farrow on the variability of multiple pregnancy and the number of piglets at weaning. Joint significant effect on two factors studied the variability of reproductive qualities have been identified. It doesn’t established the impact of breed and age at farrow on the safety of pigs before weaning. In the future, the analysis of reproductive qualities of sows of different breeds taking into account the patterns of growth in early postnatal ontogenesis is promising, in our opinion.

sows, reproduction quality, farrow, large white breed, red white-banded breed.

Corresponding type environmentally balanced technologies as an alternative to animal husbandry sub-sectors intensive development ways

UNC 636.4.:614

V. Solyanik
S. Solyanik

Zoohygienic it is known that in modern pig farms receiving defective pork, as in amino acid composition as well as the ratio of fatty acids. This happened due to the intensification of genetics and selection process and feeding pigs. As a result – the level of average daily gain during fattening is 900-1200 g, lard thickness is 1-1,5 cm. Intensive growth does not allow to form pork be properly formed and degrades its quality. Under the influence of the human factor, as if under construction or operation, often abruptly change the conditions of feeding and maintenance, which leads to the outbreak of various diseases, decreased productivity, and keep the number of livestock. Therefore, for a specific manufacturer is economically advantageous to apply relevant to species technology of keeping and feeding, with one-time costs for the construction of permanent buildings not more than 200-300 USD/m2. Global agriculture cannot develop under the old scheme – a model for the development of intensive agriculture, used for the past 40 years, is no longer sustainable, and, therefore, need a “paradigm shift” in the field of food production. In the transition to sustainable agriculture, food systems in the world, first of all, should not undermine the natural resource base, i.e. a more rational to use them, in particular, water, energy and land resources, and secondly, to help reduce food waste; and thirdly, it must do much more to protect, conserve and restore natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem function.


Підвищення рівня відтворювальних якостей свиноматок

UNC: 637.51:591.463.1 + 636.4.082

O. Tserenyuk
O. Akimov
Y. Chereuta

Analyzed a number of technological approaches that enhance the level of reproductive qualities of sows. Rated bond index of multiple pregnancy sows with other important indicators of their reproductive qualities. Found that increased prolificacy will enhance the magnitude of the main signs of productivity. In studies evaluating the efficacy of the use of stimulating devices of different designs for artificial insemination of sows were used most commonly in the domestic market stimulating device in comparison with the developed (combined) and compared with the traditional conventional artificial insemination of sows. The efficiency of administration of diluted boar semen during insemination using different stimulating devices. Loss of semen during artificial insemination of sows indicating a decrease of this parameter by using different enabling devices compared to conventional insemination. Installed a slight increase in variation index lost sperm within groups using during insemination as stimulating devices arc bag and compared with a group of ewes inseminated without stimulating devices. At the same time, the use of combined reflexation device, compared with a group of ewes inseminated without stimulating devices, against reducing the number of lost absolute figures reflected a decrease in sperm variation of this index within the group. Calculation of the phenotypic through consolidation as the coefficient of variation and standard deviation through indicates that compared with sows inseminated without stimulating devices, uterine insemination using as a stimulating device combined reflexation device differed more consolidated level of absolute figures the number of lost sperm. Thus enabling the use of proven effective devices for artificial insemination of sows, that can be the basis for improving the basic productive indicator of reproductive qualities of sows – their multiple pregnancy and, consequently, the overall level of reproductive qualities of sows at the expense of having a connection between productive performance.

reproduction, technology, pigs, artificial insemination, correlation, stimulating device.