D. Shareiko, I. Bilyuk, A. Fomenko, O. Savchenko, V. Kurepin. The control range in complete electric drives.

UDC 681.5

D. Shareiko
I. Bilyuk
A. Fomenko
O. Savchenko
V. Kurepin.

The connection between the laws of control and the frequency range of the workflow of the complete electric drives of the computer numeric controlled machine tools is considered. The use of mathematic modelling for the examination of the frequency range of the control systems of the electric drives is justified. The dynamics of the automatic control system is researched when using different types of current and speed controllers. The utility of choosing the law of control in complete electric drives according to the frequency range of the workflow is proved.

Key words: mathematical modelling, control system, computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool, complete electric drive, speed controller, current controller, control range.

A. Stavinskiy, A. Sadovoy, A. Tsyganov. Losses of active power of single phasetransformers and reactors and twisted magnetic circuits.

UDC 621.314

A. Stavinskiy
A. Sadovoy
A. Tsyganov

Features of active power losses calculation and optimization of transformers and reactors by the criterion of a minimum of losses on the basis of an objective functions with dimensionless indices of a technical level and invariant relative controlled variables method are shown. The effect on the loss of active power of the replacement of rectangular forming contours of rods and winding coils on hexahedral in variants of planar and radial three-rod static electromagnetic systems with twisted magnetic circuits at frequencies of 50 Hz and 400 Hz is determined.

Key words: single-phased transformer, twisted magnetic core, mass-costing and energy indexes, controlled variables.

L. V. Shulika. Polymorphism of MSTN and INS loci in connection with live weight indexes of chickens.

УДК 636.5: 577.21

L. V. Shulika

Anotation. One of the modern ways to increase the selection process effectiveness is the usage of molecular genetic markers, which helps to define DNA polymorphism of investigated animals. Such approach, named marker-assisted selection, needs the researches of associations between markers and productivity traits. In this case the most perspective markers are those situated within genes that encode different hormones or regulatory factors. Myostatin (MSTN) and insulin (INS) genes are considered as such genes for meat productivity traits of poultry, particularly chickens. Perspective markers of live weight of chickens within these genes are MSTN G2109A and INS A+3971G mutations, respectively.

Thereby, the aim of the study was to analyze live weight of chicken of dual-purpose productivity type depending on the genotypes of marker mutations of myostatin and insulin loci.

The research was conducted within the population of line G2 of White Plymouth Rock chicken breed that belongs to dual-purpose productivity type (Birkivsky meat-egg chickens). Live weight of experimental group of hens (n=57) was measured on 17th, 21th and 27th weeks of life. Genotyping was made with usage of PCR-RFLP method. Groups of chickens with different genotypes were compared by using Student t-test. In the case when data distribution was not corresponded to normal, Mann-Whitney U-test was used.

As result of conduced investigations, significant associations for MSTN G2109A mutation were revealed. Particularly, live weight of chickens on the 21th week of life was reliably higher (p≤0,05) for AG heterozygotes comparing to GG homozygotes on 8,1 %; or 0,18 kg. Furthermore, chickens of AG genotype had reliable higher live weight (p≤0,05) than mean value of the whole population on 5,3 %; or 0,12 kg. Concerning INS A+3971G mutation there were no significant differences on live weight between groups of chicken with different genotypes during the whole period of observation (17-21 weeks). It is recommended to use received data in selection programs that involving marker-assisted selection.

T. A. Stryzhak, А. N. Tserenyk, A. A. Getya, A. V. Akimov., A. V. Stryzhak. The genetic potential and degree of realization reproductive quakity sows main female of breeds landrace and welsh.

UDC 636.5.082.012

T. A. Stryzhak
А. N. Tserenyk
A. A. Getya
A. V. Akimov
A. V. Stryzhak

The article examines the level of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation on the reproductive qualities of sows of breeds Landrace and Welsh.  Selection-technological approaches are developed, which ensure the increase of genetic potential and the degree of its realization on the reproductive qualities of sows during linear and relative crossing. It is determined oscillation of the multiplicity of the landmass breeder moths on the degree of realization of the genetic potential in the range from 88.33 to 99.02%, in the Welsh breed, respectively – 97.88 to 99.82%. The matches the predictive and actual values ​​are noted.

Recently, breeding in raising the productive genetic potential and the degree of its implementation has become widespread in pig breeding with pure breeding and industrial cross-breeding and hybridization.

The article examines the level of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation on the reproductive qualities of sows of the main monogynopaedium of breeds Landrace and Welsh.

Genetic productive potential – is the ability of animals to exhibit maximum productivity, which is due to heredity and is determined by optimal conditions of feeding and maintenance.

The degree of implementation of genetic potential is determined by the ratio of the achieved level of productivity and maximum.

The purpose of our researches was to develop selection and technological approaches that ensure the increase of genetic potential and the degree of its implementation for the reproductive qualities of the sows of the Landrace and Welsh breeds with linear-related сrossing.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were selected:

– to carry out the genealogical analysis of the initial populations of pig breeds of Landrace and Welsh in the herds of the subjects of the pedigree work;

– to estimate the level of genetic potential of productivity for the reproductive qualities of the moths of the lines and monogynopaedium in the Landrace and Welsh breeds.

The methods of research  are experimental, zootechnical, statistical.

The studies carried out a genealogical analysis of herds of rocks of Landrace and Wales breeds for the reproductive qualities of sows.

The level of productivity of sows of domestic and foreign breeding according to reproductive qualities is established.  The indicators of genetic potential and degree of its realization are determined.  The oscillation of the multiplicity of the sows on the degree of realization of the genetic potential in the range from 88.33 to 99.22% were established.  High level of genetic potential and degree of its realization on reproductive signs of sows are revealed.  The multiplicity of sows of Landrace breed was in the range from 10.0 to 11.7 piglets per farrow, Welsh breed – from 11.03 to 12.43 piglets per farrow.  The coincidence of prognostic and actual values ​​of reproductive signs of sows is noted.

Conclusion. The results of the genealogical analysis of the populations of the Landrace and Welsh pigs in the herds of the pedigree work indicate the need for an increase in the number of animals of English breeding and new genealogical structures in the Welsh breed and the increase in the proportion of domestic breeding animals in the Landrace breed.  A high level of genetic productivity potential has been established for the reproductive qualities of sows of Landrace, Welsh.  The efficiency of prediction of genetic potential is proved.  A high coincidence of predictive and actual values ​​is established.

Key words: pigs, monogynopaedium, genetic potential, degree of realization, reproduction, production forecast.

A. Bilyk, N. Hrudko, I. Sherman. Influence of fishstock fry bodymass on starlet and paddlefish rearing effectiveness in terms of Southern Ukraine.

УДК 639.371.2 (477.7)

A. Bilyk
N. Hrudko
I. Sherman

The goal of this research is to define influence of fishstock fry while rearing sterlet and paddlefish fingerlings in terms of Southern Ukraine.

Sturgeons fingerlings rearing was provided according to combined technology on the Dniprovsky sturgeon fish facility. Research was conducted in ponds with 2 and 3 ha square.

Paper represents rearing results and biological characteristic of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) and paddlefish (Polyodon spathula W.) fingerlings.

We monitored water physical and chemical parameters, foodbase (both qualitative and quantitative analysis of phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos).  Environmental conditions in experimental ponds were close to recommended for sturgeons cultivation. Season averages in separate ponds were in next ranges: water temperature ––24,0–26,3°С; dissolved oxygen –– 6,2–7,0 mgО2/dm3; рН – 7,3–7,5; phytoplankton biomass –– 8,7-13,8 mg/dm3; zooplankton biomass –– 3,83– 8,80 g/m3; zoobenthos biomass –– 2,20–10,42 g/m2.

Gastrointestinal tract content analysis demonstrated that the most abundant in sterlet food lump was zooplankton species (Daphnia) and Chironomidae, for paddlefish –– Daphnia.

Obtained data allows us to state that stocking ponds with larva having average individual bodymass (AIB) as much as 135mg leads to receiving sterlet fingerlings with AIB 2.7-3.5g, survival rate – 62.1-65.8%, fish productivity – 138.6 kg/ha. Maximum results for paddlefish such as survival rate (29.3%), AIB (278g) and fish productivity (120.8 kg/ha) were obtained while stocking ponds with 800 mg larva.

We defined correlation between fishstock fry average bodymass and resulting bodymass, survival rate, fish productivity. This correlation was described with polynomial equation (Determination coefficient was 0,7801–0,9465 for sterlet and 0,8506–0,9597 – for paddlefish).

Obtained results complement main specification for starlet and paddlefish fingerlings rearing technologies in terms of Southern Ukraine according to demand of modern aquaculture.

Keywords: sterlet, paddlefish, fingerlings, fry, foodbase, survival rate, average individual bodymass, fish productivity.


Tsurkan L.V., Volichenko Y.N., Sherman I.M Features of wintering of herbivorous fish yearling in the conditions of Southern Ukraine.

UDC 639.311(477.7)

Tsurkan L.V., Volichenko Y.N., Sherman I.

The influence of changes in weather-climatic conditions of southern Ukraine on wintering of fish planting material of herbivorous fish is considered in the article. The dynamics of the temperature and oxygen conditions of wintering stands, the effect of “hungry exchange” on the fishery indicators of these years and one-year-olds herbivorous fish on the background of a specific temperature regime have been determined. The conceptual pilot project for optimization of wintering of fish-planting material of vegetative fish is proposed.

Keywords: wintering, fish planting material, oxygen regime, yearlings, herbivorous fish.

M. Tyrus. Dynamics of mass formation of sugar beet plants depending on the method of basic soil cultivation and fertilization levels in the conditions of the Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine.

UDC 633.63-026.53

M. Tyrus

Abstract.  It was established that in the conditions of the Western forest-steppe Ukraine the methods of basic tillage did not have a significant effect on the growth of the mass of sugar beet plant, the difference in average weight of root crops between treatments at harvest time was only 1.4 – 2%.  Application of mineral fertilizer in the norm N300P225K350 provided the largest mass of the plant at the time of harvesting, the weight of the root crop was 827 – 839 g, the weight of the hook – 331 – 338 g, depending on the method of basic soil cultivation.

Key words: sugar beets, shallow  uncultivated tillage, plowing, levels of fertilization, root crop, joint.

Annotation.Tillage of soil and fertilization level are important in the system of agrotechnical measures that increase the soil fertility and the productivity of sugar beets. Today the cultivation of this crop requires a lot of expenses. Therefore, the question of the tillage of soil under sugar beets is relevant due to the little study of the possibility of applying of shallow soil tillage to this crop at high levels of fertilization in different soil and climatic zones.

The studies, in which the influence of methods of basic soil tillage and fertilization levels on the dynamics of growth and development of sugar beets was studied, were conducted under western Forest-Steppe of Lviv region conditions on dark grey podzolic light loamy soils. In particular, the influence of deep fall plowing on 28 – 30 cm (control) and shallow uncultivated tillage on a depth of 14 –16 cm was studied, under the following backgrounds of mineral fertilization: the version without fertilization (control); N180P135K210; N240P180K280; N300P225K350.

On the basis of the conducted researches, it was established that the methods of basic tillage of soil did not have a significant effect on the mass increase of the sugar beets, and the difference in the average mass of the root crops between tillage at the time of harvesting amounted for only 1.4 –2%. Application of mineral fertilizers contributed to the increase of the mass of joints and root crops, enlarged the duration of the assimilation surface of the leaves functioning, which provides a high yielding capacity of sugar beets. In particular, the norm of mineral fertilizer N300P225K350 provided the largest mass of root crops: on July 15 – 268 to 290 g, on August 15 – 561 to 575 g, on September 15 – 762 to 772 g, and at harvest time – 827 to 839 g, and joints respectively: 354 – 394 g, 398 – 414 g, 343 – 356 g, 331 – 338 g.

Conducted correlation and regression analysis of the obtained research results showed that a direct strong link between the weight of the root crop and the levels of fertilization, the weight of joint and the levels of fertilization is in both versions of the soil tillage for all the dates of accounting.


UDC 633.8(477)


As a result of the data obtained from their mathematical processing and analysis, it is evident that during the second year of vegetation, Slava and Serpanok varieties form an aboveground vegetative mass that 2-3 times higher, than in other years of cultivation. That is not typical for Snizhana variety where there was observed a gradual accumulation of aboveground vegetative mass for years.Generative organs in connection with the biological peculiarities of culture start their forming during the second year of vegetation, and form from 20,0 g to 57,4 g (dry generative mass) and from 10,6 g to 18,0 g in the third year of cultivation. Data vary considerably as in varieties, so in the years of cultivation the best recommended was Snizhana variety in both years of cultivation. The difference in the years of cultivation was probably influenced by climatic conditions.In the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine it is possible to receive the raw materials of Monarda Didyma L., and then it is possible to extract the valuable essential oil with a unique chemical composition. The yield of essential oil per unit area of cultivation is determined by the productivity of the variety, the concentration of oil in separate organs and the structure of the plant raw material used for the extraction of essential oils. The Slava variety has significantly difference from the varieties Snizhana and Serpanok, it has a significantly higher essential oil productivity, which allowed to obtain almost 2.5 times highest yield of essential oil per unit area of cultivation.

Key words: essential oil plants, Monarda Didyma L., productivity, essential oil, adaptability.

R. M. Vasylenko. The photosynthetic efficiency of grain sorghum depending on the moisture conditions in the South of Ukraine.

УДК 633.174:631.55 (477.72)

Vasylenko R.M.

The article presents the results of studies on the photosynthetic activity of sorghum plants depending on sowing time, systems of protection against diseases and pests under different conditions of moisture. It is found that for non-irrigation conditions, the highest photosynthetic surface of sorghum plants was formed when sown in the first decade of May with the use of biological agents (trichodermin + haupsyn), and under irrigation – at sowing time in the second decade of May and the use of chemicals agents (Bi-58 new + abacus).

Key words: grain sorghum, photosynthetic activity, irrigation, plant protection.

E. O. Domaratsky. The methods of water stress negative effect reduction in winter rapeseeds.

УДК 633.853.494:57.042.2

E.O. Domaratsky

Abstract. Over the past 20 years, the level of rainfall in different regions of Ukraine has increased by 50-100 mm per year. The significant increase in temperature and the decrease in relative humidity during the growing season did not improve, but complicated the vegetation conditions of most crops. According to the forecasts of FAO UN experts, if this scenario does not change, already  by the  year 2030  about 650 million people will suffer from hunger. Significant impact, leading  to changes in climatic conditions is the human economic activity, including industrial production and agriculture.

The change in climatic conditions is an inevitable process, and therefore the task of agrarians is to quickly adapt to such transformations, as well as to find an instrument that will mitigate the negative impact of stress factors on agrocenoses.

The article presents the results of the influence of nitrogen mineral fertilizers and multifunctional feeding Helafit Combi® in different periods of use (early spring feeding and leaf foliar  feeding) in winter rape sowing on the level of leaf vegetation.
It is proved that the coefficient of water consumption significantly decreased after fertilizing and the use of the growth regulating feedings. Neither fertilizers in the form of early spring feeding nor leaf treatment with Helafit Combi® alone did not affect the growth and development processes, but their combination. If the treatment of plants with  N60 reduces the water consumption by
3.6%, and  the treatment with Helafit Combi® reduces this figure by only 2.7%, then the synergistic effect can be observed  in their complex action (water consumption decreases by 9.3%, and optionally from N90 + Helafit Combi® – by 14.5%).

After fertilization with the N90 dose, the maximum level of crop yield was achieved, and in the complex with foliar feeding with  Helafit Combi® there was achieved  increase in yields of up to 1,3 t/ha or 56%.

Key words: winter rape, water stress, soil moisture, Helaphite Combi®, yield.